Anyone noticed these things?


New member
Apr 20, 2011
I've noticed a couple neat things about my Titan..

First, when you're making an outgoing phone call (in hand or on Speaker), the phone does a slight vibrate when the call connects to the caller or the voicemail. My Focus and Focus S didn't do that. Also, when turning the volume down all the way, once the level hits 0, you get a slight vibrate feedback as well.

Secondly, in the Xbox Live hub, if you have an avatar created and displayed on screen I'm sure you've noticed he dances and plays around if you watch him/her. I've discovered if you wiggle him back & forth or shake the phone, he gets dizzy and falls over. If you annoy him enough, he will even stomp his foot and "shatter" the screen. I've also seen him just get annoyed and walk off the screen or take his hands and pull the pivot screen to the previous menu. Cool little hidden features of WP7 :)
Vibrate on connect is an HTC thing. My Touch Pro running winmo did it.

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Thanks for sharing peeps...

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
HTC puts some nice touches on their phones. I really like flipping it over to ignore a call.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express

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