I'm not bothered about people doing these 'hacks' to get win10, thats up to them, but when 'news' site tell everyone about it it winds me up because these hackers know all about these things and probably do it daily but now your going to have average Joes doing it on their only devices and bricking them if they don't do it properly
Why do you care about them? I'd their decision tbhI'm not bothered about people doing these 'hacks' to get win10, thats up to them, but when 'news' site tell everyone about it it winds me up because these hackers know all about these things and probably do it daily but now your going to have average Joes doing it on their only devices and bricking them if they don't do it properly
What's the Chinese method? I also wanna try this hack in my 1020. If its free from risk
Thanks, now im installing the TP in my 1020, after installing is it necessary to hard reset the device?