anyone using CYAN + Developer preview 8.1 GDR 1 ??

Zohaib ZJ

New member
Mar 23, 2014
anyone using CYAN+dev preview GDR 1??i have a question what is the battery life with CYAN + dev preview update 1??
i recently upgraded to CYAN but i am not using developer preview so there is no UPDATE 1 for CYAN users should i install dev preview with CYAN??is it fine for my phone???
I am using it on 930. After 1st update1, batterey life was terrible, but after the latest update (about week ago), it improved and now it's great. Nothing spectacular, though. It lasts for 15 hrs of pretty heavy use. Fb, whatsapp, viber, 3mail acc sync, phone, messaging, about 1.5hr of browsing...
I am using it on 930. After 1st update1, batterey life was terrible, but after the latest update (about week ago), it improved and now it's great. Nothing spectacular, though. It lasts for 15 hrs of pretty heavy use. Fb, whatsapp, viber, 3mail acc sync, phone, messaging, about 1.5hr of browsing...
Are you using CYAN and developer preview GDR 1
Yes I am using on 520 it works good with no battery drain but you need to hard reset once if you face any issues
My Lumia 920 is on cyan and developer preview GDR 1 and there is no problem here. No bugs and battery life is the same as it was about 15 hour with normal use (internet, games, music and video) or it can last up to two days with only texting and talking to the phone.
I want to know if official update 1 will available for CYAN can i revert back from developer preview to official release.
I want to know if official update 1 will available for CYAN can i revert back from developer preview to official release.
propably you will have to reinstall rom to delete the previous update through pfd but i think there will not be much diferrent between Official and pfd update as the same was with wp8.1. Nothing diferrent except firmware update...
I have lumia 925 and i am not getting 15 hours of battery life. Am not a heavy user and have stopped a lot of apps from running on background. In official cyan i could get even 16 hours. I wish i could downgrade to that
930 user with cyan and using the preview for developers (gdr1) battery life is fine ! when the official update rolls out its really only a matter of signing out from the app to get, and the update does the rest. Never had problems with official updates installing. The next update not really knowing at the present time and said to be the end of month or the start of November.

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