Anyone with an ATT Lumia 920 NOT have dust in their front facing camera?

Moiz Mian

New member
Aug 5, 2013
I'm on my third replacement through ATT regarding the front facing camera issue. I heard Nokia supposedly fixed this issue a while ago. Has this really been fixed, or is it just Nokia blowing some compressed air in the headphone jack/speaker grill.

I just got my replacement a couple days ago, so I'm just wondering if hopefully I won't have the issue again.
I have been lucky enough not to have this problem even though my phone gets dust and dirt on it all the time. (Work, softball/baseball field, etc.) I guess I got lucky. New from November when they first released too so Gen 1 version.
I'm on ATT with a Lumia 920 and have not had this issue either

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My first one had dust inside front camera, which was one of the first batches. It was messing with the proximity sensor. No dust so far on the new one.
I have in mine. Though it doesn't seem to effect the camera capabilities (I think!). For that reason I'm not fussed about exchanging/returning it. And its almost been a year so not sure if I can still! Any clue?
I have in mine. Though it doesn't seem to effect the camera capabilities (I think!). For that reason I'm not fussed about exchanging/returning it. And its almost been a year so not sure if I can still! Any clue?

Yea, you definitely can. (As long as you are still under 1 year) You just have to call up ATT. And they'll send you a new one before you have to send your old one back. Very convenient.

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