App Store averaging over 1,500 per week


New member
Nov 1, 2010
in the past month now with Nokia Developers on board with creating apps for windows phones

and the marketplace reaching 50,000 apps by the end of the year things are looking good for

microsoft's windows phone market place.

they are now hitting over 1,500 apps per week and growing and I don't see this slowing down at all.

that accounts for about 100,000 apps per year so on microsoft's 2 year in they could be looking at

150,000 to 200,000 apps in the marketplace.

Now I don't know about you but I think these are very good numbers, and with nokia developers

getting in on the app business and microsoft loosing up the strings on developers to have more and more

api and deeper integration with the OS .. this is nothing but a win win for Microsoft ..

now they just need HARDWARE and lots of it ..

and to be first at stuff and I don't mean being a beta at for example a new screen res

I mean new stuff without fragmentation and causing problems for developers..

I know its been a hard and tough road for us Windows Phone lovers but I think it is going to turn the

corner soon with many nokia phones and Samsung getting slammed with not upgrading the galaxy S

to Ice Cream Sand width .. Wow what a mistake, and I Don't blame Samsung here its that ICS will not

work properly on the galaxy's hardware ..

Way to go Android..

Yes it's amazing how fast apps are coming to Windows Phone, but what about the quality of the apps? We need more on that.
I hope it slows down there is already some useless nonsense in there already. No need to have the biggest ***** if it doesn't work correctly.
Yep, quality is more valuable than quantity. I'd much rather see 10k brilliantly useful apps than 100K you couldn't *give* me, let alone sell me.

Sent from my Mango-fied HTC T7575 using Board Express
I agree quality over quantity. But the numbers of ios and android apps are bloated also by a plethora oif fart apps and other "trash" as well.
I agree quality over quantity. But the numbers of ios and android apps are bloated also by a plethora oif fart apps and other "trash" as well.

That's exactly why iOS has like 500,000 apps. Due to the fact that a lot of them are just bloat, and useless. I've seen lighter apps and fart apps, and all that. I would much rather see quality useful apps, then bloat.... in much agreement with you.
That's exactly why iOS has like 500,000 apps. Due to the fact that a lot of them are just bloat, and useless. I've seen lighter apps and fart apps, and all that. I would much rather see quality useful apps, then bloat.... in much agreement with you.

Though in terms of quality apps, I'm *sure* iOS has at least 50k high quality apps, many of which do not have any counterpart in WP7, even android!

It's part of the biggest reason why I got an iPhone 4S for my personal line (new work policy :(), instead of another HTC Titan or even another Focus S.

ifart apps there may be, but don't let that cloud ya.
I know its been a hard and tough road for us Windows Phone lovers but I think it is going to turn the corner soon with many nokia phones and Samsung getting slammed with not upgrading the galaxy S to Ice Cream Sand width .. Wow what a mistake, and I Don't blame Samsung here its that ICS will not work properly on the galaxy's hardware ..

Way to go Android..

And this is why I love Microsoft for not allowing manufacturers to change the software. Samsung basically admitted that their laggy, bloated ugly touchwiz skin is so resource intensive that they can't install it on top of ICS, so the older devices won't get it. That is what is causing android fragmentation. UI skins. What did Microsoft do? They made sure every WP device got mango.
And this is why I love Microsoft for not allowing manufacturers to change the software. Samsung basically admitted that their laggy, bloated ugly touchwiz skin is so resource intensive that they can't install it on top of ICS, so the older devices won't get it. That is what is causing android fragmentation. UI skins. What did Microsoft do? They made sure every WP device got mango.

bingo. OEMs and Google just don't understand why android is now a mess, lol. I just found out, all the accounts I synced onto my old Atrix (got a TF101 tablet :), wanted to transfer accounts over), are synced into Moto's BLUR service, not Google or Android.... And I already hate moto for basically killing off their atrix dev community (effectively, since all there is are CM7 [because it's down, so there are now CM7 nightly based ROMs compiled and modded by others] and BLUR based ROMs), so I wasn't going to get another moto phone :P
It's a given most (if not all) would want quality of quantity, but to me, 1500 apps per week is freakin' awesome and will hopefully lead to more quality apps because of competition.
It's a given most (if not all) would want quality of quantity, but to me, 1500 apps per week is freakin' awesome and will hopefully lead to more quality apps because of competition.

Agreed. Like it or not, to many, many people app count growth means that the platform is healthy. I just wonder at what point will (if at all) these numbers convince big names to come over to the Windows Phone platform.
Nokia hasn't even hit the US and Canadian markets yet cant wait for those apps to come in but on the real all I need is Skype and a better ESPN app and im set right now which Nokia is going to release soon :)
I would too want quality over quanity but there are way to many that look at the app store and say. Microsoft does not have enough apps ..
and they Don't but I don't care about that ...
I also thiink that alot of major developers dont make apps for MS yet because they too look at how many apps they have and if its worth it..
MS has done a good job at trying to keep spam out of the marketplace and junk apps
but you know you can't stop everything ..
The point is there are specialty apps that exist on iOS that will never be ported to WP. Many of those apps are also dependent on having the full range of hardware sensors that WP does not provide either.
It was a mistake for Microsoft to not lock down the hardware specs. Now we're getting a flood cheap Windows Phones that only dilute the brand. What we really needed was 1 superphone like what Apple does.

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