Apple just can't catch a break :(

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That's sad, the 128 Gb is a super expensive phone. I kinda like watching an Apple product get all this bad rep.
We really shouldn't be taking enjoyment in a phones pitfalls especially when said phones outsell our phones on a large scale.

That be more excited if this was happening to an android phone not the iPhone.
Aww why not? Only Apple (and Google) being knocked down a few notches is ever going to make room for our beloved Windows Phone (or "Windows 10 on a phone" phone) to become more popular and embraced.

And to reply to another comment that was made and quickly deleted; I'm not one to dance on anyone's misfortune either! This isn't "any one person", but a multi-billion dollar corporation who in my opinion has been a little TOO fortunate. Aww poor Apple, they only net 5 billion in profit this year, instead of 5.5 billion... we should feel bad?

It's sad yes, for the consumer that got suckered into paying all that money for one of these things, to have all these problems with it, but hey what can I say... return it and get a 1520!
We really shouldn't be taking enjoyment in a phones pitfalls especially when said phones outsell our phones on a large scale.

That be more excited if this was happening to an android phone not the iPhone.

The fact that they outsell WP is even more reason to enjoy their misfortune, just highlights how overhyped they really are.
It really isn't overhyped and apple isn't the top grossing tech company for nothing, they have great products that work better than all other high end products.

Fortune doesn't come into it, you make your own luck sometimes by hard work.
Aww why not? Only Apple (and Google) being knocked down a few notches is ever going to make room for our beloved Windows Phone (or "Windows 10 on a phone" phone) to become more popular and embraced.

And to reply to another comment that was made and quickly deleted; I'm not one to dance on anyone's misfortune either! This isn't "any one person", but a multi-billion dollar corporation who in my opinion has been a little TOO fortunate. Aww poor Apple, they only net 5 billion in profit this year, instead of 5.5 billion... we should feel bad?

It's sad yes, for the consumer that got suckered into paying all that money for one of these things, to have all these problems with it, but hey what can I say... return it and get a 1520!

1520 is outdated already.
The sad part is that this ultimately won't hurt Apple. They could start killing baby seals with recycled battery waste and the masses would still find a way to rationalize buying Apple products.

On another note the 6+ is too expensive of a phone to have such crappy specs and performance. I keep seeing all these articles defending the 1GB of RAM, and I'm just not buying it, iOS 8 doesn't seem to run as smooth as 6 & 7 did even on the flagship 6+. Apple dropped the ball but it's politically incorrect to criticize Apple and politically incorrect to praise Microsoft in the tech journalism world.
It really isn't overhyped and apple isn't the top grossing tech company for nothing, they have great products that work better than all other high end products.

Fortune doesn't come into it, you make your own luck sometimes by hard work.
Normally I'd concede the fact that Apple is almighty, but really now at this point they're literally running on their logo and brand legacy. iPhones used to sell because they were bold and innovative, now they sell simply because of the Apple logo on the back. I left iOS for Windows Phone and really contemplated returning after Microsoft scrapped the much anticipated McLaren that I was so excited about. Then I saw the specs and bugs associated with the iPhone6 and I was over it, Apple just doesn't have that special something anymore, the tragedy is they could easily fix this, but they don't have to because their brand loyalty is now a form of hypnosis that makes anything with an Apple logo sell like cold water in a desert. .

I wish Microsoft had 1/10th the marketing genius of Apple. That's the only thing separating the two companies these days.
Iphone 6 falling in the gutter won't make windows phone the hero, it will only make android more popular, I don't think any power user would switch from iphone to WP, wp apps look more degraded in comparison to android apps, what we need is to bring more cleanliness and functionality to our OS but not wait for other OSes to fall and take advantage, makes us look like hyenas
Iphone 6 falling in the gutter won't make windows phone the hero, it will only make android more popular, I don't think any power user would switch from iphone to WP, wp apps look more degraded in comparison to android apps, what we need is to bring more cleanliness and functionality to our OS but not wait for other OSes to fall and take advantage, makes us look like hyenas

Anything that could get more users and developers to WP is welcome.
Iphone 6 falling in the gutter won't make windows phone the hero, it will only make android more popular, I don't think any power user would switch from iphone to WP, wp apps look more degraded in comparison to android apps, what we need is to bring more cleanliness and functionality to our OS but not wait for other OSes to fall and take advantage, makes us look like hyenas
I remember when black berry was considered a competitor for the wp camp. as it lost market share, wp users claimed victory. then they realized wp market share did not increase, but that iPhone and andrOid did and were bitter.

you're correct, victory isn't is grabbing the left over scraps.
Every iPhone release in the last 4-5 years has had news of hardware and software issues. Part of that could be a lack of qa or rushing the product out. But it could also be the fact that they sell a ton of phones and you are bound to get some bad batches.

Regardless, as a fan of the underdog, it is nice to see the giants stumbling from time to time. :)
Normally I'd concede the fact that Apple is almighty, but really now at this point they're literally running on their logo and brand legacy. iPhones used to sell because they were bold and innovative, now they sell simply because of the Apple logo on the back. I left iOS for Windows Phone and really contemplated returning after Microsoft scrapped the much anticipated McLaren that I was so excited about. Then I saw the specs and bugs associated with the iPhone6 and I was over it, Apple just doesn't have that special something anymore, the tragedy is they could easily fix this, but they don't have to because their brand loyalty is now a form of hypnosis that makes anything with an Apple logo sell like cold water in a desert. .

I wish Microsoft had 1/10th the marketing genius of Apple. That's the only thing separating the two companies these days.

Apple indeed has lower spec but what do see is its superb performance and fluidity ( Ok ,fluidity is also existing in wp). Consumer really care about the phone's performance and functionality. For instance, consumer care about which phone is more convenient and more app supported . How much time do you take to open the flashlight? In IOS you just need to open the screen and pull up from the bottom to open the flashlight while in windows phone you might need an app to open flashlight or find it in video section of camera app. This is the difference . Microsoft is also in the way of the direction in 8.1 update but Apple has done it and more understand what consumers' need. In fact, IOS users has the highest loyalty than any other platform . Customer's need is very important and vital not to mention affect the market share. Microsoft always said their phone is made for enterprise but in the respect of enterprise IOS is better . They even have office app that better than windows phone . Lastly, do not blame Google either for not developing any app in Windows phone , they could not see the future of window and the lowest market share that seems unthreaten. Support and performance that consumer care about . Don't fool yourself by the spec ,the price meets the performance. Hope you will listen it.
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