Apple or Microsoft

Would you please explain in simple terms?

I can't see how the price reflects they are that much value added of an improvement.

I factor price into decisions everyday. Many do, no matter the income level they have. My wife is always telling me to get something and I say "Not for that price, it's not worth it." She shakes her head and says we can afford it. I realize we can, but the price dejustifies the purchase, disqualifies it from my consideration.

I like apples, I even like the Honeycrisp variety. But when I look at the price of a Honeycrisp next to a nice Fuji. I'll take the Fuji most any time. The Honeycrisp tastes good, but not better enough to justify that extra cost in my mind. It's overvalued.

Apple computing products are like that for me. The price itself is a huge negative that I can not find enough positives to justify. When people are buying apples, how many of them get Honeycrisps week in and week out?

It's not solely the price, it isn't penny pinching. It's about not feeling like I've been duped by the price of admission. Apple looks like a sucker punch to the wallet from that perspective.

My original statement:
I've never tried Mac OS. Not even curious if the price of entry is that high. I simply refuse to believe it is somehow that much "better." If it were, they would have the market share to prove it.

You then cut out the deal about price:
I simply refuse to believe it is somehow that much "better." If it were, they would have the market share to prove it.
And then tried to equate it with Windows Phone. I find Windows Phone does deliver excellent value for the money. I don't feel like I was ripped off. I don't see where the extra expense for Apple products benefits me... You state they make such a nice profit despite low volume. Perfect. That is where the extra money goes, to Apple. Not into enhancing the product for me, but to enhance the profit for them. That's not a criteria I value. And it seems to be the Apple way. "Buy our stuff because we make more profit off our devices than anyone else." O... K... Some may not care about that, but I do.

You can understand or not, but what you can't do is remove one of my major criteria and then try and fault my decision making.
I follow you, partways. I can buy this:

I simply refuse to believe it is somehow that much "better." If it were, they would have the market share to prove it.

But you lose me here:

I find Windows Phone does deliver excellent value for the money.

Mac and WP have one common feature: a very low market share. If Windows Phone delivered excellent value for the money, then by your own logic "they would have the market share to prove it.", wouldn't they? Why does lack of market share prove that Apple's products aren't worth the price, but it doesn't apply to WP?

I just don't see your logic here. The rest I can understand. You don't like Apple products, and they're expensive. Great! You have 2 excellent reasons to leave them alone. But by your own logic (lack of market share) WP's cost to value ratio isn't worth it, and yet you feel you get excellent value for the money.

In a nutshell, you use lack of market share to prove that Apple's products are overpriced, but yet lack of market share evidently doesn't mean that WPs are overpriced. Shouldn't WP be considered overpriced as well?

This proves that it boils down to your personal preference, nothing more. And that's fine; I have no problem with that. But you're talking out of both sides of your mouth here. THAT'S what I have a problem with!
You're really stretching to make your point. I never said it was anything other than my personal choice. I also never linked market share to "better" directly, you did that on your own.

In context, my original statement links market share only to my personal decision tree as ancillary justification, not primary motive.
I also never linked market share to "better" directly, you did that on your own.

Huh? You did precisely that! What does this mean then?

I simply refuse to believe it is somehow that much "better." If it were, they would have the market share to prove it.

In context, my original statement links market share only to my personal decision tree as ancillary justification, not primary motive.

Nice word salad! :amaze:

Anyway, I'm out!
I'll try it one more time, then I'm out as well...

Value for price is mentioned only in relation to myself and my personal decision making process. Market share is mentioned tangentially.

tgp, you then took value for price out of the equation and extrapolated on market share as a primary deciding factor for me, which it is not, and continue on to question my choice of Windows Phone using a "market share analogy that RumoredNow introduced."

Market share was not the primary motivator I stated. Value for price was. Based on that: Apple fails, Windows Phone succeeds.

tgp, you are going off on a different track from the one I was on. You removed a primary motivator and substituted a side comment in the primary motivator's place. This is where your extrapolation breaks down. You removed everything I cared about (value for price) from my personal equation and then used something I don't really give a fig about (market share) as the basis to try and tell me what I think or should think or at best, what you think I said and are sticking with no matter how many corrections I attempt to make in your fallacy.

And again... This is just for me. My personal decision making process. I've never claimed any of this as a global constant. Please use your own criteria for your thesis instead of trying to erroneously manipulate my criteria to fit your thesis. I know what I said and it in no way equates with what you are saying, no matter how much you belabor the point.
Apple is to expensive, i'm not talking about the iPhone, iPod, or iPad, I'm talking about Apple laptops and desktops, I hate everything "i". I use to love Microsoft, I still feel a little something at the core of my heart, but I left all Microsoft products, I may go back though, but for Microsoft Vs Apple the answer for me is Microsoft.
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