Apple takes a big swing in a failed category with its Vision Pro 'AR' headset

Apple's #1 consumer are high school/college females. The last thing they want to do is put on ski gaggles that will mess up their make up, hair, make them look stupid and completely isolatate them from their friends and family.
I tried Windows Mixed Reality and there was no question that the experience was very cool. I loved the Windows interface presented on the OS (of course that may be because I live near Mt. Rainier and the default view the OS offered is very familiar to me), but as for the practicality of the rest of the experience it was just not there for me, with the one exception of the exploration app. I remember the experience of floating above Machu Picchu in a hot air balloon as absolutely wonderful. The educational components and ability to change the view were well done. That was absolutely the next best thing to being there. But for me, that was it. I watched a movie one time but hated the feeling of isolation and the other apps available just weren't needed on a VR device. If they had released that version of Minecraft for VR they once demoed for HoloLens, that might have been another good experience. I still have my set, but it hasn't been used for years.
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I tried Windows Mixed Reality and there was no question that the experience was very cool. I loved the Windows interface presented on the OS (of course that may be because I live near Mt. Rainier and the default view the OS offered is very familiar to me), but as for the practicality of the rest of the experience it was just not there for me, with the one exception of the exploration app. I remember the experience of floating above Machu Picchu in a hot air balloon as absolutely wonderful. The educational components and ability to change the view were well done. That was absolutely the next best thing to being there. But for me, that was it. I watched a movie one time but hated the feeling of isolation and the other apps available just weren't needed on a VR device. If they had released that version of Minecraft for VR they once demoed for HoloLens, that might have been another good experience. I still have my set, but it hasn't been used for years.
Yeah, all of this VR tech is hard to explain as to why it hasn't caught on. You try it, are kind of blown away by it, and then put it down only to rarely return. WMR was really advanced for the time, but there was always this "OK, now what?" aspect. They did envision "visiting" friends and sharing spaces, which would have been neat, but I'm not sure that would have changed things either.
Apple's #1 consumer are high school/college females. The last thing they want to do is put on ski gaggles that will mess up their make up, hair, make them look stupid and completely isolatate them from their friends and family.
This seems a bit of an overgeneralization and stereotype. I'd also argue Apple's customer base often skews towards older users, but I also don't see them wanting to use this, either. I think the biggest users/audience is tech guys with money in their 30s and 40s, but that's just a guess.
This seems a bit of an overgeneralization and stereotype. I'd also argue Apple's customer base often skews towards older users, but I also don't see them wanting to use this, either. I think the biggest users/audience is tech guys with money in their 30s and 40s, but that's just a guess.
I was just repeating a comment my female friend said when she saw Apple's presentation. Her argument/insight was that tech seems to designed by men for men with no understanding of a female's point of view...

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