Are there any new insider builds past 15254.16?

With the W10M SDK now removed from Windows it may not be happening for a while, such a shame. My X3 is not in the Insider Program, I thought about joining again but there's really no point because if you are not getting regular builds then staying with Production and not having to factory reset your device if something goes wrong or you no longer want to be an Insider is the better option.
Ahh okay. My Iphone X and 6+ are my daily drivers but i use my X3 as a second workstation at home when my family are on their workstations and i need to browse on a bigger monitor.
My phones just downloaded 15254.158 tonight, on insider, just stability, security stuff I guess
I posted too soon. Looks like my 950xl and X3 are getting 15254.16


Sent from mTalk on my 950xl

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