Are there really that many geniuses playing wordament?


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May 5, 2012
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I was just recently wondering about the people with 1000+ points. But you do get faster in seeing words when playing more as I can see now (on a holiday with lots of wordament playing time).


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Jul 20, 2015
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I actually am one of those players who scores 1000+ most games, getting an average of ~85-90 words per run I'd say, sometimes going over 100 (my top being 121) or low to 60 depending on the board. Mostly it comes with play time, the more you play the more patterns you'll start to memorize and it'll become easier to look for words while mindlessly scoring through the usual patterns. I'm actually trying to make a guide for how to get better on /r/wordament on reddit. I recently became a moderator there and trying to get the game back on the map. The game is perfect and more people need to realize that!
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Aug 29, 2015
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I don't know if there are that many cheaters or not, I have run some rudimentary testing concerning time. It seems that it takes about four second to rotate the board 3-4 times. That is a little over a second per turn. I found, albeit with my seemingly limited skills, it takes about 1-2 seconds per 3-4 letter words, more time for large words, and even more time for larger words not in a straight line.

Point is, if you are limited to 120 second and scan the board on each rotation for words then you are effectively using up about 10 seconds on each rotation; leaving you with about 80-90 seconds to score. That equates to about to someone scoring 90 words (just the word count, not the score) they would have to do one word a second. If that person is ranking high on the list then he/she are using longer words and letter combinations, therefore, using more time per word.

Someone who is scoring high in just the word count in the 100's would have to complete a word every half second.

It seems to me that just the mere facts of physics would prohibit someone from manipulating their physical attributes to such an alarming speed to accomplish scoring more than an average of 1 second per word. The highest word count seems to be 158 words. If that is true then that person used all 120 seconds registering words at about .75 a second and no time to rotate a screen or scan for words.

I have taken a screen shot of a random board and studied as many possible words as I could find, using a dictionary, and in no way could find 158 words on one board. Ergo, then the board must be rotated and causing even more loss of time per game.

So again I say, I don't know if their are that many geniuses out there or a bunch of cheaters, but I do not believe for the most part that a human being can scan, manipulate, rotate, and register a high count averaging about 1-2 seconds per word.


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Aug 31, 2015
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I don't know if there are that many cheaters or not, I have run some rudimentary testing concerning time. It seems that it takes about four second to rotate the board 3-4 times. That is a little over a second per turn. I found, albeit with my seemingly limited skills, it takes about 1-2 seconds per 3-4 letter words, more time for large words, and even more time for larger words not in a straight line.
I'm hardly a top player, but you really do get faster with time. I started out doing maybe 40 words in the speed rounds, and am now usually in the 80s and occasionally over 100. I personally think rotation is a waste of time, and I'd guess most good players don't do it. You just get better at picking out words going every which way.

jan claeys

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Dec 3, 2015
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I'm a top player on the Dutch version, averaging around 1000 and being first 1 out of 3 this year. I can't remember the last time I rotated the board, I even forgot that was an option. I've managed to get over 100 words and once for half a game I got 0,9 seconds per word, so that means I would be able to get 144 words at that speed. It would be hard, but of you know all the 3 and four letter words you can get really far really fast.


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Apr 1, 2016
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It is a fantastic game, I just wish the top 100 or so players could be in a separate list! I've been playing for a while, the most words I've ever got is 60 and I won't be beating that anytime soon. It's more fun looking for words you know, rather than guessing to get as many words as possible. If only the players who can routinely get 80+ words went off somewhere else, leaving us mere mortals to our own game! :eek:rly:


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Apr 15, 2016
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I have been playing the game for the past couple of years & I also wondered to begin with, how is it possible for these people to score these many words, in such a short span.
I also started slowly & picked up steadily and now able to make over 60-70 words per game & some/many-times go over 100, my best being 126 words. This mostly happens in a speed round, where every word is worth 13 points, be it a 4 letters word or 10 letters word.
I also notice few champions, who come out of the blue, on top of the leaderboard, with no.1 ranking but its hard to sustain that via cheating. Since many words are repeated, plus practice makes you perfect, as there are certain patterns in every game, good players are able to pick on them and score heavily.
But I find it hard to fathom calling these players genius, as they are doing this day in day out, thus able to use patterns to make big scores but there are handful of players, who start off with a bang & last the course and become real big players, as they end up scoring heavily, perhaps due to their better grasp of English & power to make words at a high speed, thus their high positions in every game.
I find myself still unable to sustain the consistency, which comes with practice only, of course an ability to make words with time constraint is totally helpful. I still fluctuate from a top 10 finish to top 50-60 finish in the next game, much to my dismay.
In a nutshell, I would like to call this a game of practice & very few geniuses play this regularly, as I am yet to see Discopidgeon playing, despite having him in my frenemies list for long.
Few floaters, who cheat their way to the top & get lost equally fast, don't rule the roost at Wordament and some quality players, who are very regular, daily participants, are the ones taking Wordament to new heights but it would be a mistake to call them geniuses, only practice is making them perfect, at least in picking words on regular basis.
Its a great fun to take part & see one's name in the top 10, one strives to achieve that as much as possible but so do the others & that's how this competition lives on, with very few geninues & cheaters in small numbers.

Hubris Genome

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Apr 22, 2016
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It's funny to see atinywolf on here, I thought you were a chick!

I don't think anyone's cheating on wordament, some people are just that fast. I wouldn't say I was as good as Mr Wolf, but I still get top 15 scores. My highest points total is over 1500 and my highest position is 3, still aiming for that No. 1 spot! I think my highest word total is 99. The thing is, I'm still improving. The art is to look for word endings (IMO) - ing, ed, er - and then find the prefixes - once you see them, the words come tumbling. And I wish I knew why Xbox has decided I'm from Poland. Oh well...


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May 4, 2016
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hi, i wonder if you add several play room with different play policies. i especially interested in one with longer time constraints.


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May 7, 2016
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I am so amazed at these scores. I am an average joe blow who is really good at puzzles but this has me stumped. I am totally addicted to the game and have played for an hour or two 3 times a week for the past 2 years. I cannot for the life of me see a pattern which would allow me to work my way up the leaderboard.
Perhaps I try too hard but I just cannot see how your fingers can even move fast enough to spell out hundreds of words in just two minutes.
I just feel as though I am suddenly reduced to sub normal intelligence because I regularly score between 400 and 700 points no matter how hard I try.
I have noticed some of the legends on the board and feel some pride when Ollie and Leo come up as they are often in the top 5 and come from oz.
Anyway, me and my pea sized brain would like to thank you very much for creating such an entertaining game.

Scott Andreacci

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Jul 3, 2016
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I have been playing off and on over the past few years. I started just like everyone else but after playing well over 20k of games I average 800 - 1000+ per round. Its really been over the last year that I have started to get a lot faster and get in the top 10% more often than not and recently I finally got the #2 spot. I was stuck on #3 for what seemed like ages. I laughed when I read the one comment saying it made the guy feel like he won the world cup. I felt that way and took a screen shot of it. I am approaching the 19M mark for score and I can say that as a average player I noticed a massive jump in my scores when I broke 10M points. I spent time watching videos and even coming up with my own ideas for improving. I love the stats they provide and I like to set goals for myself to improve. The more you play the better you will get. I love the game and will keep shooting for the #1 position one day. Wordament is almost like my daily meditation.

Btw, my name here is the same as it is on wordament.

Good luck to everyone!!

Kind Regards
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Jul 13, 2016
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im 13 and i average about 80 to 100 words and my highest word score is 126. i have came 5th before and came in the top 15 about 30 times:smile: my wordament name is thee fluffy 15
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Hubris Genome

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Apr 22, 2016
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Just to add since my last post: having become more familiar with the typical word patterns wordament uses, as well as a hoard of new 'obscure' words, I have reached the holy grail of a no. 1 spot! I have also increased my speed, although I still can't match those crazy speed-merchants who can swipe up to 150 words or more, my highest word count is now 108, my highest game score is 1,848 and my top ten wins total is 211. My top 10% wins are 5,471, which just goes to show how hard I'm still finding it to regularly get in the top ten!


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Oct 3, 2016
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Hi nico002,

I'm the engineering manager for Wordament and while I will confirm that people try to cheat at Wordament, we have pretty strong policies and enforcement against it. The people that are consistently scoring at the top are truly outstanding players. There are many videos available on YouTube (just search Wordament) where you can see people get 100+ words. Videos of folks like DiscoPidgeon and mztan, both great players and personal friends of the Wordament team.

We've watched people consistently improve with playtime and practice. Disco (who holds the current speed record of 158 words in a single game--ridiculous to the point of unbelievable, if I didn't know him personally and had previously witnessed him doing those things) started like most people getting just 10 - 20 words in a round. After a few weeks of practice he was getting 30 words, then 40, then... well, he's the best.

Thanks for your interest in our game and for playing!

Jason / Black Snapper
You vs. the Internet, a Microsoft Studio

I am a player who's come in the top ten over a100 times now and have topped 2 times. While I was playing today, I noticed a player called sandals82 who was consistently scoring above 2800 points and 170 words. I feel he/she is cheating since I've never in my 5500 game carrier seen such an unbelievable score, even by players like vanillafrost or snarfthekid

Author Diva

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Dec 1, 2016
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I have been playing Wordament for a while now, and I thoroughly enjoy the game. I usually score somewhere in the middle range.

Lately, I have been hampered EVERY TIME by those f***ing popup ads on the side of the screen. When one of those ads is loading, it stalls my cursor, causing me to lose seconds and come out with a lower score than I should. :eck: :unhappy:

I wish Xbox would get rid of the ads that are causing this problem, or give us the option to upgrade to an ad-free version of the game.


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Dec 14, 2016
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You seem to be entirely misunderstanding the game... you don't need to rotate the board at all, it doesn't re-order the words it just makes it a bit easier to see a variety of letter patterns. I don't rotate at all during a game unless I'm really stuck and then it's just a sign of desperation!

I'm amazed by the high level of players and I'm satisfied that most of the players don't cheat. I can't imagine a reason why anyone would cheat at this game anyway... what would be the point!?!

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