Are you disappointed by the rumored MS flagship specs??

I absolutely agree with all of your statement my opinion i still think 2k is completely pointless. HTC and Apple didnt participate the ppi race, so why must MS?
Anyway i hope the rumored 3000mah battery for the 940 is true though, that is INSANE battery life! Samsung should take notes.
Am I one of the few who don't think 3k mAh isn't enough?

Enough with the tiny batteries, match or exceed the 1520's 3400 mAh!
I think no one should worry about the screen size they can easily fit 5.2" screen in to, say 930's housing, and with out bezels think how cool it might be
Continuum is my big concern. It's not because I think the technology is anywhere close to having an ARM chip match an x86 chip. Rather the concern is will they go with gratuitous specs and kill the battery life. The Nexus 6 and Galaxy 6 were both released with great marketing hype about their battery life and in both the reality has been poor at best.

THUS, if you noticed removable battery @ 3000mAh - you can always carry a spare (and may need to).

All that Xtra (processor / screen) spec comes @ a cost - IF they're going to fight the specs war, compromises need to be made somewhere. The removable 3000 mAh battery is probably equal in size to a non-removable 3400 mAh battery. That's the tradeoff vs. a ...
non-removable 5000mAh battery for example, which might be a scaled version of required power.

Continuum will probably hose some battery (wireless connection), unless docked which will probably be power neutral (charging while consuming power).
Battery life is not a compromise I'm interested in. I'm not sure how you guys live but I work seven days a week and I work hard. Some days I am so tired I just walk in the door and go straight to bed. I often forget to put my phone on to charge and maybe get shower/dress time in the morning to charge. My windows phones so far have been up to this often getting two days easily off a single charge. I have a two-in-one if I need a laptop or tablet, I have a desktop if I need a desktop. What I need from my phone is for it to be a phone that is ready to go at a moments notice that I can shove in my pocket and go.

Now maybe guys/gals get to sit at a desk all day and keep your phone charged. Maybe you have a purse/man-purse/fannypack you can carry all kinds of chargers and batteries around with you all day. In that case I can see being willing to compromise on battery.
Enough with the tiny batteries, match or exceed the 1520's 3400 mAh!
940 is rumored to have 3000mah
940XL is rumored to have 3300mah
Both removable batteries
For the 940 3000mah for a 5.2 inch phone is incredible amounts of battery life.
For the 940 xl, bear in mind 1520 is .3 inch bigger and probably going to be heavier as well, 3300mah is still pretty huge.
940 is rumored to have 3000mah
940XL is rumored to have 3300mah
Both removable batteries
For the 940 3000mah for a 5.2 inch phone is incredible amounts of battery life.
For the 940 xl, bear in mind 1520 is .3 inch bigger and probably going to be heavier as well, 3300mah is still pretty huge.
I see. I misunderstood the 3000 mAh part to be for the XL.

I just hope that the chipsets and the optimization of the firmware will make the phone have battery life even better than what these specs make it out to be.
Not sure why no one is mentioning the small amount of storage (32gb) for a flagship. Hello? This isn't 2012 anymore. Others have 64gb and more.
Also just realized something...
if the rumors are true and the phone really has a removable battery, wouldn't that make the 940 one of the very few flagships that has the ability to exchange the back covers? I think that'd be pretty darn awesome.
And also, i assume that the 940 will be a poly carb back and metal band combo design like the current 930 instead of a design similar to that of the Nokia Mclaren. Of course i know rumors are just rumors but still..
I would rather have a 1080p HD instead of qHD. Battery life is important to me. Everything else seems ok.
Not sure why no one is mentioning the small amount of storage (32gb) for a flagship. Hello? This isn't 2012 anymore. Others have 64gb and more.

BOTH ref'd micro sdcard slots up to 128GB ... 32GB is plenty, data (music, pictures, maps, videos, documents etc.) to sdcard.
Larger storage drives the cost up, these look like costly devices asis.
IF you need more storage, the xtra cost (~ $100.) will get you 2 cards @ 64GB (or you can pay $100 for an xtra 32GB onboard).
I actually wouldn't mind seeing something sub 5-in that has the specs of a Lumia 1520.

I have a 930 now and I have zero complaints with it's performance, the camera hardware (paired with the epic Lumia Camera 5) is incredible... but it's STUPIDLY thick this day and age, lacks external storage and I can't utilize the LTE with my carrier (AT&T USA).
I actually wouldn't mind seeing something sub 5-in that has the specs of a Lumia 1520.

I have a 930 now and I have zero complaints with it's performance, the camera hardware (paired with the epic Lumia Camera 5) is incredible... but it's STUPIDLY thick this day and age, lacks external storage and I can't utilize the LTE with my carrier (AT&T USA).

Matter of opinion, some phones are too thin, which makes for a hard to handle device ...
the lack of external storage is valid - an sdcard slot s/b standard.
I am quite happy with the rumored specs. The only thing not mentioned is, do these have USB Type-C? I assume yes, just because of the Continuum features and exporting your screen at 4K resolutions. That would be a perfect use case for USB Type-C Alt Mode with DisplayPort or MHL. Looking forward to these devices as my 1020's all have broken USB ports and the performance makes them almost unusable.
These specs are exactly in line with current flagships : The lg g4, Sony z4, htc job etc. Perfectly feasable specs - hex core is q808 and octa is probably the 810 - I doubt we'd be in line for the 820 just yet. 2k screens are out, the battery matches current flagships. Sure, we have pureview but even the 16mp cameras out have great specs - especially the lg g4 with its trick setup. That has SD too, and a removable back! So all these specs are feasible as you can buy them. Right now. They're nothing revolutionary so I don't think they're unexpected. They're good!

I'd prefer an atom x3 with a dearth of ram - great for continuum - but it's the software that needs to be there to make use of the specs. The camera needs to be faster. And Commercial vpn support. Otherwise the future is bright!
I think they will go with intel for their flagships at the first wave to promote the continuum, people will think oh it is "a computer" it has intel inside...
I think they will go with intel for their flagships at the first wave to promote the continuum, people will think oh it is "a computer" it has intel inside...

Other than the fact that JoeB said specifically in a video they are working with Qualcomm to have two video outputs from a new CPU I might have agreed. It would not surprise me to see Intel phones coming being supported by WM10 but so far I'm not seeing one from Microsoft.
I absolutely agree with all of your statement my opinion i still think 2k is completely pointless. HTC and Apple didnt participate the ppi race, so why must MS?
Anyway i hope the rumored 3000mah battery for the 940 is true though, that is INSANE battery life! Samsung should take notes.

Apple took the route where specs aren't at the forefront of their customer's minds. I suppose it can be said Apple sparked the race with their Retina display. It's a bit hard to drag them into the spec wars since they've largely ignored it since then. Both HTC and Sony have indeed avoided going 2K, and there is arguable gains to be had from going over 1080p, but people look at the specs quite often, and the phone with more will tend to win.

Then again. You could blame Samsung and to some extent LG dropping 2k displays in just to give their customers a justification to upgrade from their current devices. Screens tend to be one of the easier things to notice when you upgrade.

Here's to hoping they put in a badass battery.

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