I have a dev unlocked and interop unlocked Samsung Focus. I have the following xaps installed...
Nokia Maps
Battery Status
HTC Dock Mode
Multi Task Toggle
Send Contact Info
WP7 Root tools
Advanced Configuration tool
Internet Sharing/Interop unlock
I now have a problem with ACT keeps crashing everytime I try to run it, thank goodness I already have all the theme colors I want which is probably around 80 on top of the default MS ones.
I would use the Chevron unlocker but only if I could then interop unlock it after because that is where the good stuff is.
Nokia Maps
Battery Status
HTC Dock Mode
Multi Task Toggle
Send Contact Info
WP7 Root tools
Advanced Configuration tool
Internet Sharing/Interop unlock
I now have a problem with ACT keeps crashing everytime I try to run it, thank goodness I already have all the theme colors I want which is probably around 80 on top of the default MS ones.
I would use the Chevron unlocker but only if I could then interop unlock it after because that is where the good stuff is.