As a developer, the McLaren news is even more chilling.

According to MS 3D Touch isn't dead, just McLaren. Which could just mean they're reevaluating hardware options to drive it. Time will tell. Unfortunately they're already playing catch-up and time isn't on their side. They need to do something the other guy isn't to really breakthrough. 3D touch could've been (and hopefully still can be) it.
Here's my question, what have Microsoft's recent announcements regarding WP been about and hinted at? From the recent round of emails from actual Microsoft decision making employees that were leaked, focusing more on it, using it to showcase the best of Microsoft, removing any distractions like the X range and probably others. Now can anyone point to where Microsoft officially announced, hinted at, or otherwise said anything specific about any device or future features for this holiday season?

The problem with all this gnashing of teeth, wailing and rolling on the ground is that its all based on rumors, nothing more and we all know how things can change when they are still in the rumor stage and not confirmed. This is why I don't believe any of this distress, anxiety or chillingness is warranted, we DONT KNOW what Microsoft has planned, and just because we don't know doesn't automatically mean there will be a negative outcome. When November rolls by and there's no flagship/hero/high end device then it would make sense to be concerned, upset or whatever but basing any decisions solely on rumors or the lack of for any new handsets just doesn't make sense at all to me.

And yes, I did mean premature, not immature in my previous post. :)

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Now how in the hell is this statement even remotely true? High end phones have NEVER had anything to do with WP's growth. At most, the 920 pushed 3 million units, but that's it. With almost all of WP's growth in the low end sector and many OEMs unveiling low end handsets, how in the hell does not having a high end WP this holiday season kill it?

I think what he is trying to say is holiday sales is crucial if there is no flagship WP phone and only apple HTC and Samsung then as might as well throw in the towel.
I still hope to grab a Lumia 1020, I'm a camera buff and it has good ram. Only downside is screen and processor. Maybe a updated 1020 would be cool
I probably am switching to the iPhone If the size is significantly better and I am one of the biggest Lumia fanboys here on this site.

Microsoft to me seems like they are confused or have no clue what to do. At first I could deal with slow. Slow was still good just slow.

In all honesty if I do switch it will be because Microsoft in two years since the 920 launch has not shown me they were solid. I've heard promises and promises and half baked ideas that come but never are fully thought out.

If I go to apple it is not for the apps. I dont care about the apps. It is because I want a platform with a future and I don't want to invest in WP and apps especially if the platform is floundering.

The grd1 update is going to have to blow me away with some supposed features because as of today if the iPhone 6 is big enough, I no longer have a reason to stay with windows phone
Not sure what the issue is, Microsoft is going to release high end devices . !! see below statement from Jo Harlow

"shift our flagship engineering efforts towards new flagship products timed with the next release of Windows and Windows Phone," - threshold next year

. "To drive success in the short term, we plan to focus our high end go-to-market strategy on the Lumia 930, Lumia 1520, and other high-end products that we will be announcing very soon," says Jo Harlow.
They cancelled McLaren. THAT'S IT.

They're not shutting mobile division. 1020 just got EoL and shut down feature phones, which means other models can be manufactured at a larger scale.

WP has had a non-stop rise in marketshare AND quality apps. Stop being so freaking paranoid, it's too american

You're forgetting EVERYTHING you know about WP8.1 is barelly coming out now for the average user.
Cortana is still in beta, and Microsoft is really pushing everything forward.
The McLaren news, coupled with the latest news about layoffs of software teams, cancellation of feature phones that paved the way for new smartphone users to adopt WP8, among other things, sends one single, chilling message about the future of windows phone - that the future simply does not exist.

I don't think it's that bad. What everything over the last 3 months has taught me is that MS marketing/messaging is awful. This past April, I was pretty pumped about the platform. New version of the OS, cool stuff like Cortana, notification center and cool lock screens. Then they told us "you know how you're annoyed that the WP and Win8 APIs are different? Now we're merging them and you can write Xbox apps using these tools too! Oh, and we're partnering with Xamarin so you can write Android and iPhone apps with the tools you know." They even showed us the new prototype start menu for Windows 9(?). Oh, and devs could download the new OS the next week. It was so good that no devs complained about the lack of WPF stuff, Silverlight 6, XNA or any other technology MS has tossed in the wastebasket. As a dev myself, I was pretty excited after //Build.

Half the things that you're worried about are not that bad. The layoffs are sadly necessary. MS and Nokia have both been looked on as bloated, Nokia in particular. In the Operating Systems Group (where WP is) the bulk of the cuts are in testing and the Xbox group making TV content. Doesn't seem so bad. I don't really mind the McLaren news. 3D touch has always seemed gimmicky to me, and I'd like to think that someone upstairs killed it so they wouldn't make a bigger mistake down the road. I assume they have something else up their sleeve. Feature phones and the Nokia X devices don't do anything for WP or by extension Microsoft. WP can run on dirt-cheap hardware and no longer has a license fee, so it's still got a chance in the low-end market. I view these as smart if tough decisions.

Where I'm a lot more unnerved is the lack of compelling hardware lately. A year ago, we had the 1020 and the 1520, both very compelling pieces of unique WP hardware. Now almost a year later we have the 630 and Icon as the flagship devices, and while the specs sheet for them isn't bad, it doesn't feel like a compelling upgrade. It's certainly not getting the kind of buzz on this site that the 1020 and 1520 did. 8.1 is finally finding its way onto retail phones and there's no compelling new hardware out there for it! Really? By far the biggest thing was the Android rumors floating around. They were from reliable sources but MS wouldn't even say "no comment". The community tied itself in knots about it but MS marketing/PR couldn't be bothered to address it. Now with the McLaren news, it looks like MS is bouncing from one desperate idea to another. I doubt they are. I'd be surprised if MS didn't have an Android runtime skunkworks project working. Prototypes get built and cancelled all the time before being released. It's just that they don't usually get revealed by leakers. And yet MS is happy not to say a word and let the forum/twitter/blogoverse rumor mill churn away while MS ends up looking completely incompetent. They have a good OS, but no reason for new users to upgrade to new hardware right now and they're leaving their hard-core users upset and spreading negative buzz.

Nadella has made it clear that WP is a big part of MS's strategy going forward. WP had a prominent place at WPC this year, as did the concept of the universal app that can work across all MS devices. Their strategy and their software and dev tech have me excited but their coordination with hardware manufacturers and their marketing/PR leave me dumbfounded.
Going back to the topic of McLaren (if that's ok) then with it being dismissed is a good thing. Why? Think how many people just bought the 1320.....they would be so pissed off they would leave. That's the mistake apple makes. They release a new phone every year.... That's bad as its expensive to buy a new phone every year. I just got my 1520 and I love it. Sure it wouldn't bother me if the McLaren was launched but if say 2-3 new phones a year came out then I would be worried as my phone would be outdated and therefore may not be included in any future updates. I think the Lumia handsets are great and since I first got into a windows phone with my 520 I have never looked back and can't see myself going back to apple or android again
Well Said. I have changed my phone as often as 2-3 years and never was worried that the current phone will be outdated tomorrow. So what if McLaren is out, for all you know the guy who leaked it might be on the out with the company trying to hurt it or may be McLaren is out as they are making more room for Ferrari ;)
You will never know. I like your Switch Side Method thinking :)
3d gestures was never going to be ready by xmas , not at consumer level , where Microsoft wouldn't get ripped and it called a gimmick

what Microsoft really need to do is throw everything they do have at their disposal right now and get a beast of a phone out to all markets in all colours with no network exclusives

I mean why buy nokia hardware division if your not going to utilise it and make money out of it and the research they have already done

get a 5" , 32gb + micro sd slot , 41mp pureview xenon flash based camera with some slight improvements over the 1020 (808 size sensor) , a snapdragon 801/805 soc with latest gpu , try to get some monster battery life , 5" 1080p high quality screen like 1520 , try to make it waterproof , good quality speakers , infa red port , mhl connection for usb in and tv out , keep the Lumia design , loads of cool colours , wireless charging built in , a true successor to the 920 and 1020 all rolled into one beast of a device so consumers aren't confused as wether to get the 1520 , the 930 or the 1020 because they can get one device that has it all ..... all this leaving things out of devices and including it in others that also have something missing is so annoying :-/ throw everything you have into it and then add a kitchen sink is what I say ;-)

the devolopers , the reviewers , the consumers will all be happy , no one will be able to slate the phone , it will be the highest grade running the latest spec and the thing is Microsoft have the stuff to build this device , to release it asap , to get it to all markets and advertise the hell out of it and we are still waiting??

Wouldn't we all love to have that kind of a phone. If they give you all in one phone what happens to the goose who laid the golden egg? one egg every 2 years or 1 egg forever.

I used to have an 808 where it had a really good camera and expandable memory for the High res photos it lacked decent apps thanks to Symbian not being the "next big thing" so when I saw 1020 coming in I had to ditch the sd card to get the same cam which can take high res pics and apps from WP store.
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Probably the touch 3d/McLaren/Goldfinger product was just an experiment that didn't work. An employee leaked the information and news sites made a big deal of It.

They layoffs are good news for WP, MS is concentrating all the resources on WP. A big part of the layoffs are from factories and developers teams of the Asha, Nokia X and dumb phones.

The whiners of wpcentral aren't a good sample to predict the behavior of the WP user base. You should know that.

8.1 phones are just hitting the market this month, how do you expect any impact in market share?. The small fall in market share, according to a research firm that nobody knows how they estimate their numbers and their margin of error, could be precisely people waiting for the 8.1 phones.

I think you don't understand your market, you should check some stats, WP sales in the high-end segment are insignificant. You should start worrying if nobody buys the 7/6/530.
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I have tried Channel 9 to learn C#, Bob Tabor's goal is to get you to learn C# as fast as possible and I found it hard to keep up with him after 9 videos, maybe because I'm too stupid. :/

Oh and your Atmosphere weather app still crashes after the splashscreen on my Lumia 520 running Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview.

By the way I wanted to know how did you design the amazing UI? Photoshop?

I know a decent amount of grapbic design in Paint.NET and I could make a good app, but still learning C#, at a very slow pace though, sadly.
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My UI is dynamically generated using Blend, which uses custom shapes and simple rectangles. I prefer to sketch my UIs out on paper, then I jump into blend and make it a reality. Icons are either public domain or paid for.

As for the crashes, a reinstall may help. No one else is reporting this issue.

IMO, the best way to learn C# is to jump in and build something small, then as you hone your skills, build something releasable.
To anyone criticizing my understanding of the market: I know that low end devices drive sales volume. However, high end devices attract high profile people - press, celebrities, and developers which make more money then I would have made if my launch day profit repeated itself on a daily basis (Candy crush, for example, pulls in 1mil per day). What WP needs is press, which attract users, more press, devs, and keep the platform relevant.
Anyone worrying about me killing off Atmosphere or ending WP development all together is wrong - I'm not going to shut off the server or delist the app, nor will I no longer maintain it. I'll just port it to another platform.
This is a great thread. I think that MS maybe finally realized that for the past two years OEMs (read: Nokia) have been trying to pump up sales by doing something different with hardware, whether it was with colors, or the 41pm camera, or swappable backs, and they realized that the mainstream market (in the U.S. at least) doesn't give a crap about that.

Maybe they feel confident that Windows Phone 8.1 finally has the perfect software and options that it doesn't need unique hardware (3d tech) and can compete toe to toe with the competition. I mean, honestly, is there any Windows Phone that is as sleek or machine trimmed as an iPhone or HTC One or with battery life like the new Razr? Maybe they said enough with being the "only" and "first" with unique hardware, everyone is buying thin elegant slabs of glass, and we feel like WP8.1 is good enough to compete without the other options.
Well they discontinued the Asha devices to focus more on Windows Phone. I think we will be seeing changes around here and hopefully these changes would be for the better. Let's not put a hand on Microsoft.

McLaren is unannounced. It's not like they cancelled a phone that was already announced and will be available within a couple of weeks. Iits probably just a concept that they scrapped.

I still have faith with Microsoft.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App for Android!
I think you are more worried as a developer than anyone here, which I can understand. But people on these comments saying they are leaving means absolutely nothing. They have talked about leaving for the past 2 months lol, and if they leave then it is what it is. Microsoft's position in the mobile space in the United States is insignificant and would have likely been unchanged by this phone. I am all for them killing a product if it isn't going to be a blockbuster and perform correctly. What troubles me more is that we have no information on any other high end phones for this year so I am assuming it is the 930/Icon or bust. Its must be hard when literally no other manufacturer besides Nokia (now MS) is coming out with phones. So how about lets all chill out and remember that you can keep your phone for more than two years lol.

If they don't have any high end phone this holiday period, then for sure WP is dead. They have the iPhone 6, note 4 and possibly the so called "S5 prime" to compete against. A lot of people are tired of playing the waiting game just to get screwed over all the time.

They better have some back up plan in (surface kind of phone would be acceptable) the works cause MS just seems like a mess.

To make matters worse, the guy that said something great is coming to WP just got laid off after 15 years with MS. Smh.
I'm beginning to feel like I'm rooting for the wrong team.

I think what everyone is forgetting is that on April 15th there was 8 code names leaked..... 6!!! McLaren was the one that had more information leaked than the other ones.

So... all is not lost, there are at least 7 devices being developed, and a couple may be high end devices.
the current ones are
MoneyPenny = 635
Martini = 930
Rock = supposed 530

We have not seen a release with the april 15th code names.

the Codenames are:
•Superman, = reported to be the "selfie phone" by Tom Warren
•Tesla = possible 730

I am disappointed at the cancellation of the McLaren device, although if the tech was not working right, its probably a good thing it was not released.

Now to sit and wait for leaks on the other devices before my contract is up in Dec. and I find a replacement for my 920
Where I'm a lot more unnerved is the lack of compelling hardware lately. A year ago, we had the 1020 and the 1520, both very compelling pieces of unique WP hardware. Now almost a year later we have the 630 and Icon as the flagship devices, and while the specs sheet for them isn't bad, it doesn't feel like a compelling upgrade. It's certainly not getting the kind of buzz on this site that the 1020 and 1520 did. 8.1 is finally finding its way onto retail phones and there's no compelling new hardware out there for it! Really? By far the biggest thing was the Android rumors floating around. They were from reliable sources but MS wouldn't even say "no comment". The community tied itself in knots about it but MS marketing/PR couldn't be bothered to address it. Now with the McLaren news, it looks like MS is bouncing from one desperate idea to another. I doubt they are. I'd be surprised if MS didn't have an Android runtime skunkworks project working. Prototypes get built and cancelled all the time before being released. It's just that they don't usually get revealed by leakers. And yet MS is happy not to say a word and let the forum/twitter/blogoverse rumor mill churn away while MS ends up looking completely incompetent. They have a good OS, but no reason for new users to upgrade to new hardware right now and they're leaving their hard-core users upset and spreading negative buzz.

Nadella has made it clear that WP is a big part of MS's strategy going forward. WP had a prominent place at WPC this year, as did the concept of the universal app that can work across all MS devices. Their strategy and their software and dev tech have me excited but their coordination with hardware manufacturers and their marketing/PR leave me dumbfounded.

And that is why i really am serious about leading. they literally dont make me feel confident enough in the platform simply because of how secretive and then backtracking they are and when they could instill confidence by at least letting us know something.

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