First of all - sorry, but did not take the time to read all the 5 pages of posts. Again, sorry (no, I'm not Canadian

). Way too hot here in Hungary to deal with it
OP, I can partially agree with you. But I wouldn't say that the userbase of WP is declining - by latest reports, Microsoft is holding the WP8/8.1 userbase at the same percentage, meaning in numbers, they're growing, at a matching speed compared to Android or iOS (to keep market share percentage, they have to). So, while it's not gaining more of the market, sales are stable, and people don't really go back to any of these platforms. I could be the perfect example - been an Android fan since the first emulators came out, bought the very first Android device, the G1, then had only Android phones until this April, when I bought the 520 - and even though I was switching a not-so-old Android flagship (Galaxy S3), to the LOWEST END WP8 phone, I never looked back. I love the platform, since I got a 920 too, and I do not want to switch back.
I've even convinced about two dozen people since, to go with Lumias - and most of them weren't even that hard, go-for-it convinces! Pretty much everyone wanted to compare phones, to show off how theirs is better, and failed. My 920 beat multiple Androids, including back-then flagships (G2, Xperia Z1, etc.), and some of my iFan friends even considered getting a 1020 or 930. My whole family runs on WP now - my mother and father, and my two brothers (11 and 14, respectively), and they're happy. No more lag, crashing devices, but quality phones at a quite cheap price.
Based on this, I would have no fear - as a fellow developer, I understand it, but I try to think positive. Besides, your number of downloads does not suggest you should be worried