Yeh, MS is screwing istself by not offering more CDMA phones for Verizon and Sprint. Verizon is the #1 carrier and as a whole CDMA users in the US outnumber GSM users easily. I brought my son a droid not because that's what he wanted, but because for a 10 yr old buying a $200 phone made no sense. So I brought him a $20 droid. How many other people are doing this and not just for their kids, but for themselves. I understand worldwide GSM users outnumber CDMA users, but MS is killing itself by not offering more CDMA phones in the US. My older son wants a WP7 phone because he is big into the XBOX and only wants it because of its XBOX Live capabilities. A lot of these young kids who are into games will go to WP7 because of this, if MS provides the phones.
If I did not dislike the Droid so much I would have brought one. I just can't stand how much it reminds me of an I-phone, its a knockoff, and I know I would hate the darn thing because of that. The I-phone and Droid are just like the old palm UI, they just have a black background or a custom picture instead of a white background. Think about it give the old palm UI a black background or a custom pic in the background and voila you have an I-phone. Innovation my Arse, its a palm knockoff. Oh, I forgot they made the screen flip 90 degrees. WOW!!! Now that's innovation. Its to bad palm had no vision, because if they did they would be were Apple is today.