Astro Flare - Beta

The scores sometimes take a little time to show up in Global, 10-15mins or so. It should show up straight away in Weekly or Daily though. I just tried and my score showed up right away.

Is 16k your highest score, because it will only show your highest? It's probably easier to see if you make an account on the leaderboards otherwise the scores show up as anonymous.

I'll probably disable anonymous scores in release as you can still see your own top scores at the end of each mode anyway.
ok i think i see it , i also made the mistake of thinking i was in second place dint relsie it was 300k and not 30k . LOL! i need to play more , i only get to play when i go out for smokes and its harder to play while smoking lol
Hehe, I should try make a smoking mode where you only have to move the ship and it fires automatically :P

yeah or just have a move mode , no shooting ( like in GEO wars )

i know you dont want to copy an other game to much , but adding a NO SHOOTING mode would be cool.. just dont make us go trough GATES, lol.

im sure you can find a unique game mdoe for that.

exp: u need to doge enemy units and pass trough worm holes that warp you across the map and any near by untis get kill ( near the original warm hole ) or something.. lol

or is that to much like the GATES in Geo wars 2 :P

A story mdoe would be cool as well. where u have diffrent Levels you need to complet..

Also one thing i would probably do if iw as you. is add diffrent BOSS types . ive only see the ONE big unit so far. unless im not getting far enought??
I loved pacifism. I'll be adding some more modes after release but I'm just trying to get the current ones well balance first so I don't have to adjust them too much once they are being played a lot.

I'm fairly happy with them now apart from Extermination which needs to scale a bit more because once you get good it goes on for far too long. A good time to aim for is between 5-10 minutes depending on skill level. Anything higher than that and it can be annoying trying to beat your own score if it takes ages.
just got 100k hehe im cathing up to the top scores , i decided to work less and play mroe games today .. LOL!!
I'm adding some new control options at the moment. Along with the current dynamic moving thumbsticks there will be an option for fixed thumbsticks as well as accelerometer controlled movement. I've also added an auto aim/fire option which means you can play with just one hand/finger if you prefer although controlling it manually will still be slightly more accurate if you want to get the best scores.

If you have any other suggestions let me know.

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