AT&T Navigator App


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I've heard mixed reviews regarding the AT&T Navigator App on WP7, where some people are stating the turn-by-turn voice navigation doesn't work. Does anyone know if this is true? I'm currently using Sprint's equivalent navigation app on my Palm Pre phone and I really need that feature working on a WP7 phone before I can jump ship.

Has any one tried the nav app and can comment on this?


I unlocked it on my Samsung, but I am a bit confused on how it works. I need to go to the website and see if I can make routes. From what I can tell, it doesn't allow you to create routes from the device. But I got a text saying to go to the AT&T's website and log in.
Well, I gave it more playing with. I got confused with i was playing with it for the less than 2 minutes I got lost. It is a lot easier than I thought. I would say it is probally works exactly as it dowes on your Palm Pre.
I thought it worked really well on the Samsung Focus gave me turn by turn with traffic updates visual streets or I could go to list of directions with speed on current roads. I thought it was much better than the one on the IPhone...
I used in on a previous phone before getting a navigation system in my car. What I did was use it when traveling then turn off when done. Since you can go to website and do it yourself you can do this without having to call AT&T.
I've used AT&T Navigator for a few years now on different phones, and it's always been great. It is 9.99 a month though, but it works really well. I know most people consider the at&t bloatware scams, but Nav I think is worth it if you drive around a lot.

Unless there's a free/cheaper app out there...?

UPDATE: I'm trying out Bing Maps, and while it isn't turn by turn, and they could make it easier by allowing voice for directions instead of just search, but I'm getting used to it and am going to try and get off of Navigator to save the 10 bucks a month.

In short, AT&T Nav is good but is 10 bucks a month - try playing around with Bing maps to see if that will work for you.
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why does ATT make you pay for this ?
I came from sprint were we had unlimited data and all sprints apps were free including the same exact navagation app ATT has..

why does ATT make you pay for this ?
I came from sprint were we had unlimited data and all sprints apps were free including the same exact navagation app ATT has..


I'm currently using Sprint and I really like all the included services for the reasonable price. That's why I'm holding off until Sprint gets some WP7 phones like the Focus. Hope it happens soon....


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