This morning, I have the Fly connected through the audio/charge dongle so that I could listen to music. When I queued up the audio, it didn't come out of the headphones, it came out of the speakers.
Can anyone reproduce this? Of course, I'd like to listen to music and also work on the Fly. When I unplugged the fly, the audio came out my headphones as expected.
PS- i had 3rd party headphones plugged in via the 3.5 mm jack on the dongle, NOT the proprietary HTC headset.
Can anyone reproduce this? Of course, I'd like to listen to music and also work on the Fly. When I unplugged the fly, the audio came out my headphones as expected.
PS- i had 3rd party headphones plugged in via the 3.5 mm jack on the dongle, NOT the proprietary HTC headset.