Awesome cameo of the lumia 950!!!

Pretty sure I've spotted Robert Patrick (Agent Gallo) on Scorpions (US TV series) handling a Lumia 925 in the earlier season episodes.
Scoured the online series screen caps and haven't found anything that shows proof so far.
Sure looks like the 925 though...
Saw the Lumia 950 XL in the Ferrari garage beside Raikonnen's screen, during F1 Bahrain Gp qualifying.
F1 seems to appreciate Lumias I guess with Grosjean another ambassador of the phones.
I to was shocked to see a Microsoft phone in the Ferrari F1 garage. Nice to see the camera person zoom in, maybe they where interested in what phone it actually was.
I actually really enjoyed the movie. For what it was. Great to see the 950 in it though.
Re: Batman vs. Superman - Lumia 950XL?

Yes it was! When it was face down, you can tell by the camera. Then when he turned it over, there it was...MICROSOFT.
Kind of nice :)
And the interesting thing missed is that Clark Kent places his phone on the table (which is hacked) and it is in fact an iPhone in a lifeproof case!!
Superior Windows Phone?
Perhaps lifeproof will make a case for the Microsoft range - always used them on my iPhone, they are great.
And the interesting thing missed is that Clark Kent places his phone on the table (which is hacked) and it is in fact an iPhone in a lifeproof case!!
Superior Windows Phone?
Perhaps lifeproof will make a case for the Microsoft range - always used them on my iPhone, they are great.

Not Clark Kent, actually the white Portuguese guy who worked for Lex Luther. I didn't recall Clark Kent using a phone in the movie though.
recently saw a trailer for a stupid comedy "Why Him?" with James Franco, and I think Bryan Cranston 's character is using a Lumia 950.
and also in the terrible "Independance Day: Resurgence", besides those chinese products replacement, there is the Surface Pro 3

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