Bad Call Quality?


New member
Jun 6, 2011
I'm currently on my second HD7S and at this point I'm not sure if its just the phone or i got two lemons.
The call quality seems awfully bad, it always sounds like interference coming out of the ear piece, like I'm outside and its windy.
Secondly they way i hear my voice is abstract, almost like a metallic sound. Either way this is the second phone to do it. I'm not sure if thats just how it is. People on the other line say i sound fine. I've just never had any other phone sound or be like this.

Is it just me? or is that how the phone is?
I am having a similar issue with my HD7s. It sounds like it is ambient noise coming from the mic and being played through the ear piece. If you make a call and while its connected blow on the mic you can hear the loud crackly noise coming from the earpiece (at least on mine). I wonder if this is a software or hardware issue.
I think we are talking about the same thing. I just had a hard time describing it. I'm going to exchange it once more tomorrow. If the same thing happens I'll just switch to a focus or iPhone 4
I noticed in a lot of the reviews (cnet and for the phone they mentioned a hissing noise so it sounds like its not just us.
HTC needs to stop pulling this "throw away" bull**** with us! Have you guys seen the HTC sensation in person? That thing is solid! Apparently, Windows Phone gets the leftover parts laying around so to speak. I'm glad I read this; HTC using new NMT metal/plastic fusion for super-slim smartphones? - SlashGear if this holds any truth for Windows Phone as well then perhaps they will be able to stay in the Windows Phone game when Nokia rolls around, unfortunately they're too late for me. I think its hilarious, I had always wanted an HTC device, and now that I have one (with my favorite OS) and it's a POS compared to the Android counterparts that it has. Well let me just say this, mYth, please don't blame the OS for an OEMs shortcomings, give the focus a shot if your next HD7S fails you as well at least its free right? (contractually speaking) if your buying full retail then I think the focus is still the cheapest of the three devices mentioned.
Hmm thats extremely disappointing. I too actually have enjoyed HTC's build quality on other phones, but this one does seem under par for them. I don't blame the OS, i have actually enjoyed my week or two with it. Although I'm not quite the enthusiast i use to be about smartphones, i will make a return to WP7 at some point if things don't work out.

EDIT: oh and thanks for the help guys :)
I hate to double post, but i thought this was worth updating.

I guess it wasn't a hardware or software malfunction. My sim card was bad. So if your having similar problems i would suggest getting a new sim card before exchanging ir or trading for a new one.

Funny enough major problem i've ever had with a phone has turned out to be my sim card. I think i've gone through like 7 in the 4 years i've been with At&t.
Interesting. My AT&T guy (a family friend) always wants to slap in a new SIM everytime I go in for a new phone. So I suppose the technology does change. Hope it solves this problem for you and others.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
So to update my issue, I went to the AT&T store and exchanged it for a new phone. tried making a call before I left the store and it had the same issue. Tried a different sim card, still had the same issue. This is very strange. I am very bummed, was really liking the phone. Had to go back to my iPhone =(. I am very tempted to go down and try again...

One other thing that I noticed that I wonder if anyone else has an issue with is feedback. When I was talking on the phone, i grabbed it with my other hand from the bottom of the phone, almost covering up the mic, and I got that loud, high pitched feedback from the earpiece. Couldn't hear out of that ear for a few minutes.

Should I try and get a 3rd phone? I don't really want a focus, not a huge fan of Samsung.
So to update my issue, I went to the AT&T store and exchanged it for a new phone. tried making a call before I left the store and it had the same issue. Tried a different sim card, still had the same issue. This is very strange. I am very bummed, was really liking the phone. Had to go back to my iPhone =(. I am very tempted to go down and try again...

One other thing that I noticed that I wonder if anyone else has an issue with is feedback. When I was talking on the phone, i grabbed it with my other hand from the bottom of the phone, almost covering up the mic, and I got that loud, high pitched feedback from the earpiece. Couldn't hear out of that ear for a few minutes.

Should I try and get a 3rd phone? I don't really want a focus, not a huge fan of Samsung.
I'm gonna be short, sweet and to the point with you on this one... If you're set on owning a 1st gen WP7 to enjoy Mango on it while waiting and checking out what the 2nd gen device offerings are like me and many others on this site... Then get a Samsung Focus, its the cream of the crop of 1st gen devices. When you're set to buy a Nokia early next year like I am, you'll have your eyes opened by the build quality and amazing Carl Zeiss Tessar
My phone did the same high pitch noise. When i went to the at&t store the rep just told me to not hold the phone that way and that all the phones do the same thing. I have never had a phone do that before.

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