Hi Folks, first post here.
Had my 930 for a few weeks now and it's a lovely piece of kit. Sooooo much nicer than my old HTC 8S.
Couple of questions...
Anybody know (roughly) how much battery drain you experience when web browsing? ie what % per hour, or something like that... I realise that different sites will use more than others. I spent a lazy morning surfing the other day and was a bit surprised to find I got a low battery warning after maybe 4-5 hours surfing, after a full charge. Is that to be expected? I got the phone 2nd hand in what looks very new condition, but I was concerened I may have a duff battery.
BTW, this was using Surfy rather than IE.
If this is pretty normal, then is there an alternate browser that uses less power? And one that doesn't auto play videos on websites. Using IE, some videos on certain websites start autoplaying which is a PITA when I'm trying to keep data usage down. Or does anyone know how to stop videos autoplaying... I can't find anything in the IE settings menus.
Had my 930 for a few weeks now and it's a lovely piece of kit. Sooooo much nicer than my old HTC 8S.
Couple of questions...
Anybody know (roughly) how much battery drain you experience when web browsing? ie what % per hour, or something like that... I realise that different sites will use more than others. I spent a lazy morning surfing the other day and was a bit surprised to find I got a low battery warning after maybe 4-5 hours surfing, after a full charge. Is that to be expected? I got the phone 2nd hand in what looks very new condition, but I was concerened I may have a duff battery.
BTW, this was using Surfy rather than IE.
If this is pretty normal, then is there an alternate browser that uses less power? And one that doesn't auto play videos on websites. Using IE, some videos on certain websites start autoplaying which is a PITA when I'm trying to keep data usage down. Or does anyone know how to stop videos autoplaying... I can't find anything in the IE settings menus.