Battery Life after GDR2/Amber

Glad to hear it worked for you too!

My battery is absolutely fine. I think I've done this trick three times since I got my phone in May last year, each time was after an app update caused random drains. I have Black (since today) and hope it will be fixed forever, but if this is the only "maintenance" I need to do to my phone every now and then I'm fine with it, too.
FWIW, my battery life has been improving over time, I haven't gone into battery saver for a couple of months now. I attribute it to some of the updates we have been getting. Still on amber here
Thanks a lot! Couldn't agree more on that.
And fingers crossed that Black fixed that forever. :D
Btw, my battery is now on 90% after 3 hours of using my phone after full charge,
and i used wifi for some time,watched video and got couple of phone calls and texted some messages.
I guess that's ok. :\
I think it's useful to know this:
Battery worked perfect after airplane mode trick Joene90 told us (big thanks).
Then,i uninstalled Angry Bird Roost yesterday,so drain happened again.
Then i did airplane mode trick,and it's fine,but only when not using wifi or data connection.
When using one of those, consumption goes up to 15% per hour.
Will see what will happen after next charge,cause this problem happened between two

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