battery tip!

irfan intekhab

New member
Nov 9, 2011
I dont know whether its just me or not. I tried a whole lot of things to improve my battery. And discovered, when i switch off the vibrator i get a battery boost of 40%!!!!! Straight without any other change like brightness etc. Wanna know whether its just me or you guys get the same.

By the way i am new to windows phone as well as this community so hello guys :-D
I dont know whether its just me or not. I tried a whole lot of things to improve my battery. And discovered, when i switch off the vibrator i get a battery boost of 40%!!!!! Straight without any other change like brightness etc. Wanna know whether its just me or you guys get the same.

By the way i am new to windows phone as well as this community so hello guys :-D
Do you simply mean leaving it on silent instead of vibrate, or do you mean that you have found a way to turn off the "haptic feedback" from button presses altogether? And yes, evey vibration uses the little motor, which uses power. So if you get texts A LOT so your phone is always buzzing, you definitely will benefit from turning it off.

I am a battery fiend myself, and keeping your email syncing every 30 minutes or an hour helps a lot. I have 4 email accounts, and if I have them all on "push" my phone will die in half a day haha.
Do you simply mean leaving it on silent instead of vibrate, or do you mean that you have found a way to turn off the "haptic feedback" from button presses altogether? And yes, evey vibration uses the little motor, which uses power. So if you get texts A LOT so your phone is always buzzing, you definitely will benefit from turning it off.

I am a battery fiend myself, and keeping your email syncing every 30 minutes or an hour helps a lot. I have 4 email accounts, and if I have them all on "push" my phone will die in half a day haha.

I think he meant just completely turning off the Vibrate feature - so your phone will either be on Ring or Silent. For example, when your phone is on Ring and you receive notifications, you'll hear the ringtone but no vibration.

I have 3 email accounts on push and do a moderate amount of texting. My battery generally ends up at about 30 - 40% by the end of the work day (5 - 6pm), and the phone is off the charger at around 8am. Battery seems about the same or fractionally better as my iPhone 4 (which isn't saying much!).
Do you simply mean leaving it on silent instead of vibrate, or do you mean that you have found a way to turn off the "haptic feedback" from button presses altogether? And yes, evey vibration uses the little motor, which uses power. So if you get texts A LOT so your phone is always buzzing, you definitely will benefit from turning it off.

I am a battery fiend myself, and keeping your email syncing every 30 minutes or an hour helps a lot. I have 4 email accounts, and if I have them all on "push" my phone will die in half a day haha.

Well, the new Focus S actually adds an option to disable the haptic feedback, too, which is pretty neat :)
Might have to give this a try, but thinking there is one too many zeros in that claim. Just sayin.

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I tested the vibration-off effect the last couple of days and did not get the reported improvements. These inter-user comparisons, however, are problematic because our use patterns and device characteristics and settings are too diverse. I wouldn't deny irfan's own data/experience, but I would doubt that many others could duplicate it -for this intervention or most others.

I can't easily compare my own use patterns from one day to the next. I have two cheap backup batteries that I've wanted to compare with the Samsung, but it's just to hard to control for my own daily variability. I think they are not as good, but I haven't been able to come up with any good estimates that I could report. Anyway, if I were to guesstimate the vibration-off improvement for my Focus profile and my usage these two days, I'd say 10-15 percent. Not worth it to me -then again, I'm used to just popping in another battery as needed and not worrying about battery life. ;)
I tested the vibration-off effect the last couple of days and did not get the reported improvements. These inter-user comparisons, however, are problematic because our use patterns and device characteristics and settings are too diverse. I wouldn't deny irfan's own data/experience, but I would doubt that many others could duplicate it -for this intervention or most others.

I can't easily compare my own use patterns from one day to the next. I have two cheap backup batteries that I've wanted to compare with the Samsung, but it's just to hard to control for my own daily variability. I think they are not as good, but I haven't been able to come up with any good estimates that I could report. Anyway, if I were to guesstimate the vibration-off improvement for my Focus profile and my usage these two days, I'd say 10-15 percent. Not worth it to me -then again, I'm used to just popping in another battery as needed and not worrying about battery life. ;)
Yeah definitely agree wth that point Rodolfo. While you pop in a new battery, I just keep a charger at several locations at home, in the car and another at work. Takes care of any battery problems I may run into. Only time I ever have issues with keeping a charge is if we are in the mountains and lose signal. But that's not unique tot he Focus.
I totally agree. The battery performance in the end boils down to personal usage. I guess cuz i get calls mostly and i answer late, so maybe for me turning of the vibration with ringer on gives a better battery performance. Cuz the motor is not used. Also cuz i text(chat) alot so maybe the constant vibration is also avoided hence maybe i get a good boost which others might not get. But anyway its a beautiful smart phone and smartphones tgese days anyway dont have batteries like our old black and white basic phones haha

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