Best Band 2 replacement is a Band 2


New member
May 8, 2015
Admittedly the Band and then the Band 2 are my only experiences with this type of device.

I've been through the Band 2 battery not charging and the splitting of the band/strap problem (twice) and each time MS replaced the Band 2. The most recent was in September 2016. I was so super careful knowing they were discontinued. I read they "improved" the band/strap too. Five months later the split band happened on this latest replacement.

I was aware of probably not getting a replacement this time because there aren't any left anymore. Apparently some kind of refund instead. I sent it back anyway specifically requesting a replacement and now hoping for a miracle. I even called after ten days to check status (not available online) and was told to "Wait fifteen business days" and you'll get an answer. I asked that a note about requesting a replacement rather than refund be put in my record. The split was a single straight split that was about halfway across the strap and I could have superglued perhaps. In a few days I'll get my answer but I am not hopeful.

After sending my Band 2 back I realized how much I relied upon and missed the device. Hitting my step goals, getting and reading texts, hiking with GPS, sometimes sleep tracking, control Groove Music, Cortana etc etc not to mention rotate mode to check the time.

I missed my Band 2. I hope a Band 3 running Windows 10 IoT type device is in the future.

Meantime, I accepted the fact that they don't last very long and set myself on a mission to get a few Band 2 Large devices from where ever I could find them.

Within a week I had acquired one that was very good condition (perfect display with some little nicks where the clip attaches) and works perfect. A quick clean with isopropyl alcohol, added device to Band App on Win10 Mobile phone and I was back in Band 2. I found it in Seattle. Owner needed Medium which is why he sold it. $100. I'm in S. California. This is now my user.

Another NEW off EBAY, sealed box and perfect. Tested and works perfect.

I found a "pimped" Band 2 in central California "rarely worn". $80 and I Removed the add-on "protection" off the screen, clip and back and it's like new. Works perfect.

Found one in Colorado $100. It's appears new and works perfect.

I thought I was set until the Band 3 comes out, Battery dies, no problem, backup. Band splits-live with it, glue it or use back up.

Then two days ago one popped up as "worn once" for $75. incl shipping! I couldn't resist. Arrives tomorrow. (Update): Arrived and is excellent condition and works perfect.

I should find out in the next day or two what will happen with MS and the under warranty Band 2 I returned. If I get a New Band 2 I can sell it. If I get a pro-rated refund I will not have spent much money to stay in the Band 2 world, with backups.

Definition of insanity. Maybe. Happiness is a warm Band 2.

PS. If you are looking for Medium or Small Band 2 you are much better off than Large.
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My third and last Band 2 died a couple of days ago. I give up, I don't have your patience to keep dealing with it. I went to the store and they offered me a Fitbit Surge and some other model as a straight swap or a refund. I don't like Fitbit so I took the refund. Annoying, but at least they were nice about it. Now I have to figure out what to get next.
My band 2 split 3 weeks after the warranty ran out, as we don't have stores here in the UK and it's really difficult to speak to an agent about the issue (due to no warranty) I'm loath to buy another despite it being an awesome device.
Update to original post:

After weeks of no communication from MS about my once again torn/cracked strap I called and was told I'd get a refund check rather than replacement Band 2 even after my pleading and begging. Customer Service person was great.

I am just thankful I bought a few used-like new Band 2s when I did. Still no refund check from MS though.

I see new Band 2 for sale on Ebay for sometimes 500-600 $.
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I still have Band 1 and 2. I rock the Band 2 every other week. Its hard to beat it. I lose some functionality because I pair it with my iPhone. Its still my preferred smart watch. I also use a Fossil Q Hybrid for discrete smartwatch capabilities. just patiently waiting for a Band 3 to come out.
I love my band 2, but last 3 months it has developed two issues. (band is out of warranty now, had it 18 months).

My band 2 has developed that crack along the hard ridge of the band. However I have repaired that, so far so good.

Now It seems to have another problem. Last day or so, I get the ol "battery ran out" error, but when I plugged the charger back in, it said 100%. The band still runs for two days on a standard charge and I use my band in the gym every day.

I read up a bit to find these problems are quite common. To confirm the cable fault I pressed down on the battery housing and the band 2 went off again. I had to reset it with the charger and reset the time.

Luckily there is now a dismantle the battery compartment youtube video and guide. So I breathed slowly and took the battery compartment apart to have a look inside. (out of warranty so might as well!) When I took off the metal plate, (carefully), used a t3 torx screwdriver to remove the top part of the battery compartment to reveal the battery housing.

Now I found a 3 pin black cable but it was loose? it just came up with the metal plate? (or was stuck to it?) I secured it down again to see if that was the issue. I checked the other brown connector wire, but it appeared secure, and resat the battery into place. I also noticed the cable might have been catching under the metal housing? (this could be causing a short also?) so i moved it back and taped it down using a little electrical tape.

I love the band 2 and I have not been able to find a replacement that is quite as thorough and as efficient as the band 2. As yet there are no other options that allow you to customise it to your own colorful taste and theme either (that I am aware of).

I have reviewed the garmin range, the fitbit range but they just do not cut it for me. The Band 2 for me is the best device period. I will wait and see if the battery cable fault is corrected, but it looked on first observation that the 3 pin cable that is connected, simply comes away after a lot of use.

I will buy another band 2 if it does go, I have not as yet seen anything to replace it!

It is also a bit of shame MS have abandoned the device when it really is bloody brilliant, it just needs another generation to fix the flaws.
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From everything I've read including some posts by George Ponder, the Creator Update has broken notifications on the few non-Band watches that would sync. My Band 2 is still kicking but I really got spoiled with my Gear S2's ability to make and answer calls and SMS.

Once again we play the waiting game and see if Fitbit, Garmin, etc. update their apps.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk

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