Bethesda lead Todd Howard suggests that Fallout and Elder Scrolls reamsters aren't happening right now

Why would Bethesda bother with remasters when they can be farmed out to other studios? There is clearly money in remasters but not as much as in new content. That has always screamed: farm job. Just because Bethesda isn't doing it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Howard is on record as saying they are "looking into getting more Fallout out faster". That could be anything from new Fallout 4 DLC to hiring staff to farming out remasters. Or a new spinoff game via another studio.

The odds have always favored a new game outside the numbered line. More money down that path. But big companies have the ability to do more than one thing at once. It's all a matter of timing and whether they can get ES6 out by '26.

Best stay tuned.

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