BGR says the HTC Elite is coming Feb. 5th

returned my Titan today (just told the rep to do a reverse upgrade and it took 10 minutes for him to re-activate my old phone)... Everyone I talked to said I sounded muffled and like butt on their end, plus the speaker hurt my ear....

So I will wait it out for the Nokia or this new Elite (hope they fix the speakers and mic)
The Elite is an Android phone, according to that post...

The next HTC WP phone is only listed as "HTC 4G phone," lol.
Surprised everyone is actually believing this.
Any other smartphone forum they would be bashing BGR almost immediately. lol
I was waiting as well, and was going to be the first to actually do it. I cruise BGR's website a bit, and their "unnamed sources" seem to be everywhere. Just go read some of their archived posts, and you will see that a good portion of what they report is just rumor and often incorrect. BGR is not quite the "National Enquirer", but it is a lot like "People". I have yet to hear any other source as to this Titan killer. So I will not buy into it until I hear it from someone else. Besides, most of the reports I have read had said Nokia will get first crack at most of these types of things as per their deal with Microsoft. That seems to ring a little more true to me.

If it is true, I will say the same thing I do when there is postings on high end Nokia's with all kinds of exclusives, High def screens with hi rez, dual core processors, all the LTE goodness and the countless other upgrades on deck with Tango and Apollo this year: GREAT!! I can hardley wait until my Focus S is outdated!! The sooner, the better!! Let's cheer on WP to catch up to Android. It assures great WP options for us on our next upgrades!!
I am guessing that the HTC device which has been named the Radiant is the Elite device thats previously rumored.

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