Black Saturday

Am I blind because I also don't see anything about the WP7 Black Saturday Sale either, any info would be nice.
Restrictions, say "new activation required", so I am assuming using an upgrade is not going to work here? any other interpretations.
The Saturday sale info is not shown there, but I spoke to an AT&T rep yesterday and it's a go for the 26th.
The Saturday sale info is not shown there, but I spoke to an AT&T rep yesterday and it's a go for the 26th.

In person or on phone? I will head over at lunch if the store reps know anything. If you did over the phone, what number did you call?
Wp7pwns, I do understand how much 2/4GB data really is and I could probably be absolutely fine with that. However, coming from Blackberry which basically compresses data to 1/3 of every other platform and using Opera Mini which compresses almost 10:1 from what the App is telling me, my usage will skyrocket once I jump to WP. Plus, Im not really using much music streaming now, but once I get a new car and im able to integrate my phone, that usage will climb also. So, really I have no idea. Like I said though, I intend to jump onto the 4GB w/Hotspot plan at some point anyways, probably summer for vacations, to use my Wifi tablet in the go. Actually I plan to mount it in my car too for music and GPS too. I just thought if I could save a few $ and keep my unlimited plan for that extra 4-6 months, it would be nice.
Does ATT have a price guarantee? So if you bought a phone and within 30days the price changed you could get that amount back. Would be nice if I could get the phone on sunday and then have it price matched to the special on BS.
the comments seem to be hit or miss though. I dont think I will chance it. :(

The truth is you can ask anyone of us on here if we know they will honor your unlimited data and everyone of us can be wrong. It all depends on who you go see at that store. And I don't know about you guys but AT&T needs to buy some new computers or something. Everytime I am on the phone with them no matter where the call center is, they have slow computers. They have to put me on hold sometimes for 5 minutes to 10 minutes just to change a simple thing on the account. But, again, it all depends on who you see there. Sometimes they aren't able to change stuff in their computer so that's ultimately the problem.

OH and you mentioned having a Blackberry and I can tell you right now you will lose your unlimited. I use to have a Blackberry Bold 9700 and when I switched to a new phone it automatically switched me over to a 4G plan. The problem is that Blackberry's have their own specific data plan (that's how you are able to access the Blackberry network) and so when you change your phones their computers somehow treat the Blackberry unlimited plan differently from the other old smartphone unlimited plans. At least that was my experience.
Just got off the phone. He talked to like 3 supervisors to get help finding info about the black saturday deal. He said he had no idea what the website had on it and they were not the customer service for the website. I asked who to talk to that would be able to help me get info about the website deals and he told me he could help...... In the end they could not find the info. So I asked about a price guarantee to the 1 cent deal the next weekend and he said they would not give vouchers for limited time deals. I need someone with big boobs to go to the ATT store with me this weekend to help me secure a price guarantee so I can get my Titan now and still have that $200 voucher.

Looks like I will have to wait ANOTHER week to get my damn phone. Grrrrrrrr.

Still going in this sunday to see what they say. Maybe I will take a print out of the deal from their website.
I'm basically going to pull a similar move, but over the phone. I want a Titan for the holiday! Perfect phone for showing off the platform to family and friends who, I am sure, have never seen it before.
So I just went to look and see if I could get my unlimited data for a 4G phone(Samsung Focus S) for the Black Saturday sale and it said that I could still have it for my upgrade. It is called SmartPhone Personal.
All Carriers make their money on the contracts you sign. The devices get you to sign the contracts. The penny sale does cut into the bottom line due to not making extra cash off of the phone, but they are making tons of money on the unlimited messaging which costs them pennies on the dollar for the data bit size, the voice plans which are hardly used in this day and age and are low cost to maintain, and the charges on the Smartphone plans. Why do you think they have so many mid-tier and entry level devices? They are not discounting the big sellers to a penny. The Skyrocket, Vivid and the iPhone 4S are not on any of the discounted lists. If WP grows into the huge success we think it will, than these sales will be a thing of the past. Enjoy them now.
I wonder if it is too far-fetched to think we'll see some device only deals. I am ready to buy with Microsoft Store's 20% off coupon!!
I wonder if it is too far-fetched to think we'll see some device only deals. I am ready to buy with Microsoft Store's 20% off coupon!!

Um, there could be some luck with prepaid devices. So far they haven't released a WP7 prepaid device to my knowledge. In this case you would be buying the device off contract, although it would be locked to that carrier.

Also, I think people need to read this and stop being, oh what's a word I can use without being harsh...obtuse?
OK...I'm confused. I read somewhere that this deal requires phone service, data service and at least $20 text plan for quick messaging phones. Is the Titan a quick messaging phone? If so, I am discouraged because I don't need a messaging plan.
"All deals require a two-year agreement, along with a voice plan and minmum $15/month data package. You can check out AT&T's holiday offers page for more details."

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