Black specks on a dark image while in the dark?


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Sep 29, 2012
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I read that this is a common issue with OLED screen, but I thought it was a defect and not something that is present on all devices. I am not so sure after I replaced the device twice and still have the same issue: I read in the dark from time to time and noticed this while reading light colored text on a black background in a dark room. There seemed to be random pitch black specks all over the device and were very distracting to encounter between lines of text. Does anyone else have this sort of issue? The store near me might have just had an entire batch of defective phones. It isn't something people notice right away, since not many people use their devices in the dark on a black background, I guess...


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Sep 29, 2012
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Mine does that too. Doesn't bother me at all.

Hmm, thanks. At least this lets me know that I'm not the only one who noticed this. I guess, it will depend on each person whether it bothers them or not. I have learned to ignore the black specks, but I'm trying to figure out whether it is a defect or just a general way that all these OLED screens are.


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Mar 25, 2013
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Hmm, thanks. At least this lets me know that I'm not the only one who noticed this. I guess, it will depend on each person whether it bothers them or not. I have learned to ignore the black specks, but I'm trying to figure out whether it is a defect or just a general way that all these OLED screens are.

I can't even see it, actually. I only noticed in an almost completely black screen (i guess it was showing only one email at the inbox), in the dark and on battery saver, which reduces even further the screen brightness. Did a few tests, and wouldn't even see on any other brightness level.


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Sep 29, 2012
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Thanks for the replies, folks. I realize now that this is a general fault with OLED displays. The thing that irks me is that some people might get ones with almost no specks and others might get ones with a LOT of them. It just seems very odd that they would not have found a way to fix this. Oh well, I still love my phone.
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Jun 24, 2012
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I only notice it when I'm looking using peek/glance at night, then it's quite obvious. At first I freaked out about it then realized when my phone was anything brighter than minimum it was fine. I figured it was just a weird defect of my phone....happy (sort of) to see it is just a common occurrence with AMOLED displays.

Oh, and mine has three rather long streaks that almost look like claw marks....quite large, so I may have a worst case than most, but as I said it's fine during any other time so I'm over it now. :)

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