Blackberry 10 vs Windows Phone 8: A long time WP user's view on both OSs


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Recently, I attend an event held by Blackberry Taiwan, in Taiwan of course. As a fan of Windows Phone I would like to share some opinion of mine on hardware interaction & UI design. As for the notorious word for Microsoft Tribe, "Ecosystem," I will not dicuss it here since these are two fairly new operating system and you will be damned to buy into these expecting to have a vast ammount of third party developer support.
People who use Lumias or other WP devices are consider "open" or "enthusiastic" for technology. So I figure that the new BB10 would also catch some of their attention. I hope this post would help those decide between these fair new OSes.
1. Hardware
I am not talking the actual phone hardware here. I am actually commenting on how the OS(Blackberry, hereinafter BB10 & Windows phone 8, hereinafter WP8)are interacting with the various hardwares they would support. In this aspect, I will give a win to BB10. Here are the reasons.
Windows Phone: As we all know, Microsoft requires all the OEM to have the same set of buttuns. Some are customizable regarding their postions, such as volume rockers unlock/power butten and camera buttons. Some are strictly designed by Microsoft, which are "back," "home," and the notorious "bing search" button. The OEMs are left with the choices between physic or capacitive ones. As for peripheral connection ports, there are always a 3.5mm jack and a mini USB port. Some devices will have the honor to have a micro SD slot.
As for QWERTY WP8 device, there none. The OEM that will most likely make one officially say they don't see much opportunity out off these devices.
Blackberry We all know Z10 ad Q10 are on their way to the mass market. And from the event I attended to and various pictures online, I think BB10 definitely wins here. For one, BB10 support QWERTY keyboard. Most of the participants of the event that afternoon missed the QWERTY keyboard whether they own an iPhone, S3 or Lumia 920. There is certainly a market for QWERTYs. I can feel it even though I live in Taiwan where most people hate QWERTYs since most of us use an input method that requires more that 26 alphbets to type Traditional Chinese. I am looking forward to Q10 and wish Nokia will produce a QWERTY windows phone very very soon.
Another reason for BB10 to win this competition is that it has a mini hdmi port. I know, I know. Who gives a F$%K for HDMI ports on a phone. I have no idea. However, I think businessmen will love to have the possibility to connect their phone to a projector and show their PowerPoint to their clients.
2. UI design. This is the part where I will comment on how we do certain things on both devices(ease of use) and the look and feel of both.
Windows Phone Clearly wins on Look and Feel department but lose a little on ease of use. The live tile design and metro design language are the most futuristic design of any smartphone, period.(The most elegant design will go to N9's dead OS though) It just never gets old. The vibrant color theme of windows phone makes using phone a fun experience. And the smoothness of the transferring animation is the remedy for any hardware limitations.
However, it cannot be said the same for the "ease of use" department. WP8's notorious lack of notification center and quick settings are choking its market share and let's just hope when WP9 comes out, Microsoft have time for it this time.
Though not so elegant as Nokia N9, BB10 kept the essence of Nokia N9 and add some of its own flavor. It may not look as good as N9 or touches the artistry of WP8 but it certainly functions well. It has the design of three panels activated by swipe, Blackberry hub, true multitasking panel and grids of apps. The ergonomic of these gesture cannot be touch by iOS, android and WP8. However,
Button line, if I want something beautiful and fun, I will chose WP8. If I want efficiency and multitask like I earn or lose millions of money every 30 seconds, I will chose. Guess that's why I am so broke now. But hey! At least I have some fun, right?
How can Blackberry win in the hardware department? Especially when all the hardware is made only by BlackBerry?

Windows Phone supports qwerty hardware. Problem is, there just isn't a high demand for it.
I thought seriously about BB10 before going 920 even though I was WP7 user. The one thing about WP I couldn't deny was its stability and responsiveness. Some of the Bb10 reviews still mentioned freezing and battery pulls. I used a Bb8820 for a couple years and that was the worst thing.

I like what BB10 is trying to do interaction wise. I just didn't feel like beta testing it for the next 2 years. If MS killed WP today I'd go get a Z10. I'm all for more competition for Apple / Android.
The QWERTY argument is weak and IMO flawed. Window Phone has supported the physical keyboard since day one. Like others have said , the Dell Venue Pro had it and I believe the LG phone had it.

The reason why no OEM has it currently is because it's not popular and it requires so much sacrifice of the hardware to have one.

That has nothing to do with Windows Phone except highlight how good the digital keyboard is since no WP user is crying for a physical keyboard.

BB10 still loses
The QWERTY argument is weak and IMO flawed. Window Phone has supported the physical keyboard since day one. Like others have said , the Dell Venue Pro had it and I believe the LG phone had it.

The reason why no OEM has it currently is because it's not popular and it requires so much sacrifice of the hardware to have one.

That has nothing to do with Windows Phone except highlight how good the digital keyboard is since no WP user is crying for a physical keyboard.

BB10 still loses

Dell Venue Pro, LG Quantum, and the HTC Arrive/7 Pro all have physical keyboards. I would have picked up the HTC if it had a front facing camera probably.
The QWERTY argument is weak and IMO flawed. Window Phone has supported the physical keyboard since day one. Like others have said , the Dell Venue Pro had it and I believe the LG phone had it.

The reason why no OEM has it currently is because it's not popular and it requires so much sacrifice of the hardware to have one.

That has nothing to do with Windows Phone except highlight how good the digital keyboard is since no WP user is crying for a physical keyboard.

BB10 still loses

I disagree that WP supports keyboards. Yes, they work, but I have the LG Quantum, which is a landscape slider. The home screen does not support landscape mode. This off the bat tells you the OS doesn't truly support the landscape keyboard. Many apps don't have landscape mode, either. So I go to type in an app and I'm looking at the screen sideways. No one can tell me that that's a good experience. It is for this reason that I believe we don't have keyboards. I don't buy the "there's no demand for it" claim. If you go to best and look at the sales rankings you will see that landscape slider feature phones outsell all WP's.
I disagree that WP supports keyboards. Yes, they work, but I have the LG Quantum, which is a landscape slider. The home screen does not support landscape mode. This off the bat tells you the OS doesn't truly support the landscape keyboard. Many apps don't have landscape mode, either. So I go to type in an app and I'm looking at the screen sideways. No one can tell me that that's a good experience. It is for this reason that I believe we don't have keyboards. I don't buy the "there's no demand for it" claim. If you go to best and look at the sales rankings you will see that landscape slider feature phones outsell all WP's.

Microsoft has rules on what the keyboard can do.

Saying feature phones outsell Windows phones isn't shocking, just a reality.
I've got an LG Quantum, used the keyboard when I first got the phone quite a bit but now its just deadweight. Seriously its just not required once you get used to the keyboard on screen. Would much rather have better battery life and a slightly thinner phone
I finally saw the z10 on display at Costco. The feel of the hardware reminds me of the iphone which for me is an indicator of its intent. It looked ok I guess. Unfortunately, I didn't get to monkey with the actual OS since the phone had a dead battery.
i think WP is also pretty efficient...just because it doesen't have quick toggles doesen't make my experience worse!
you can get connectivity tiles at the store and place them on your home screen - it takes 2 taps to turn wi-fi on/off for example - and i don't rly think 1 extra tap is life breaking lol

Live Tiles have been working fine for me so far...i actually never missed anything, not even Whatsapp or Skype notifications - in fact these apps always worked well for me lol - and YES, i am a former Android user, had it for a long time, and when i made the switch to WP8 i never rly missed a notification center...

all this stuff is pretty relative!
i respect your opinion but i believe the question related to "efficiency" is a lot more discussable than simplifying it to lack of quick toggles and notification center!
Though not so elegant as Nokia N9
Harmattan was ahead of it's time...sooner or later they will all catch up and get rid of the navigation buttons at the front. Having an all screen phone is the best way for those small devices as you don't waste any screen real estate, and you don't have to make people bend their thumbs awkwardly every time they want to minimize an app.
Hi wp people, given that I'm your general phone nerd and I have a lasting hatred for iOS, I naturally enjoy WP8, but I will say one thing. BB10 and the BB Z10 in particular soar above WP8 in certain aspects, and there are those where WP8 soars above BB10.

Firstly, the 'hardware' I can say that for what it's made for, the Z10 is amazing, there's not one milometer of wasted space. It's thinner and lighter than any WP8 device. That being said, the Lumia 920's camera puts not only the Z10, but most of the market to shame. So there's a win and a loss for both parties there.

The OS basically goes down to what you want to go. I feel that personally the Z10 with BB10 is the best device for me (I did run the 920 for around 2 months as a primary device for work). I prefer the BB10 UI over WP8 simply because with the aspect of the screen, I'd like to go 'up and down' not 'left to right'. But, these are my opinions, I feel that out of WP8 and BB10, we have two brand new OS that have the potential (all riding on developer support) to topple Android and iOS. iOS has not changed since 2007. Android is becoming more and more a 'base' OS for manufacturers to add their 'bloatware' on top, I'm looking at you Samsung and HTC!

Just my 2c
Take it from a guy that refused to use non-qwerty phones for a really long time, people get over it. I even switched to Sprint just so I could get the Arrive. Then I realized after awhile that I wasn't even sliding the keyboard out because the onscreen keyboard was so easy to use. That was my last hardware keyboard and I've not looked back thanks to WP. The onscreen keyboard on my nexus 7 however drives me crazy. :(

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