Microsoft has been making Phone operating systems longer than both Apple AND Google.
That's true. I had WP7 in mind as the starting point since it was the beginning of Microsoft's modern mobile OS. But yes, Microsoft was in mobile long before that.
Microsoft has been making Phone operating systems longer than both Apple AND Google.
Microsoft has been making Phone operating systems longer than both Apple AND Google.
Well maybe the agent is speaking from experience? Just a thought.
A carrier doesn't care what OS or what item it sells, as long as it sells. It's pure business.
If people were clamoring for Blackberry devices then carriers would carry more Blackberry items.
lol it doesn't make sense in the US. Carriers agree to sell a device exclusively than the salesman says oh no don't by a windows phone? It makes no sense! Maybe Microsoft should just focus on other countries instead. so you can't really blame Microsoft for a biased salesman.
Microsoft has been making Phone operating systems longer than both Apple AND Google.
...Like religions, biases have little to do with fact. More with legend and mythology...
Microsoft has a giant pile of money. Regardless of the carriers current behavior, money can fix pretty much anything. But MS has not yet invested the big bucks they will need to in order to solve their carrier problem.
Could you be anymore disrespectful? Have some class.
@techiez: Wow, what a great idea, that Nokia flash of oh so long ago! I spent years seeing it as my Nokia 9290's would boot. I thought it said it all; reach out, touch someone. Oh, wait, I think the old Bell companies used to say that. A great 20th century rendition of Michaelangelo's Cistine Chapel ceiling, God reaching to Adam. Do you have a decent jpg of that? I promise to not use it for any avatars on any forums. Thanks!
FWIW, the letter is indeed poorly written. If someone writes a letter to a company, it had better be professionally written if he wishes to be taken seriously. If the writer can't do it himself, he should have someone else edit it. The problem is that a lot of people who cannot write properly don't even know that their writing needs editing.
Makes me want to loose my mind. Saw what I did there?