Bleaching in Light-Theme

Jo Hann

New member
Jul 23, 2016
Who else can reproduce that?
The Homescreen seems to brighten / looses colour in Lightmodus. Look at the Screenshots to compare.
(Lumia 930, Win10M 10.0.14393.3)


2nd Screenshot, Black Wallpaper
Yeah, I've talked about that long time ago... nobody gave a flying ****. I even posted feedback in the feedback hub. What happens is that above the background there's a transparent layer. When your theme is set to white, the layer is also white, and it 'bleaches' the background, however the same happens when your theme is black - the layer is black and the picture gets darkened a bit, however you don't notice that.
I did suggest to remove that layer because it only makes things worse, but nothing changed. I can't get the link to my feedback now, though I'll try to post it if I can.
I gave Feedback last year in fall about the issue too, and again several weeks ago on a different build. i mentioned it on a german community forum (few noticed the issue), posted about it on the official insider forum (who did nothing than recommending me to restart my phone) and even gave feedback to dona sarkar directly via twitter. -Nothing happened. You just get ignored.
This is not a bug guys.
It's part of the light theme.
The black part is a bit brighter, so you can see the icons on the top of the screen, that are complete dark.

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It's not, or rather i hope it's not.
See my 2nd Screenshot in the first post. Do you see the icons? It's not even working!

Also, I remember that the Bug didn't exist in the first Builds in 2015/early 2016. The bleaching originally made the apps-list better viewable in light mode. (smooth brightening when wiping to the left). By switching back to the Homescreen the bleaching disappeared.

-> You can see the opposite effect in dark mode.

Then further builds made the bleaching stuck. However you could fix it by reloading the home screen (press backwards for a short time and release it or starting a app and go back by pressing the windows button)

Many Builds now its permanent.

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