Blitz Brigade connection issues

I have a solution to this problem and if it doesn't work Its your phone or computer. If you have it on your computer I have the solution. Ok first try to sign in and when it says it failed then right click your task bar then click task manager then end the task blitz brigade. It should work
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Dude it didn't work with me and always when I just enter any name then it shows me Logging-in and then it closes, I don't know why, It didn't show me any type of errors just crash and close. Please HELP I played the game on my tablet it was awesome.
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I just upgraded my computer from a windows 8.1 to a 10, and every time i go on to the game, it shuts me off and i cant play anymore. Is it because of the upgrade and the game is not compatible with the new update? pls. advise :unhappysweat:

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