Bluetooth Issues


New member
Nov 6, 2014
I'm having a lot of Bluetooth issues with my Lumia 830. I use Bluetooth in my car for music and calls, I use a UE Boom Bluetooth speaker, and a Microsoft Band. I often find that the Lumia will stop connecting to new devices, and still thinks it's connected to devices that it has dropped the connection to. I have to toggle Airplane Mode on, and back off to get things running again. Sometimes I have to delete my MS Band and re-pair it because the Lumia can't stay connected to it. Sometimes I have to restart the phone completely. C'mon. This is stupid. What's going on here?

Anyone else having Bluetooth issues? I wonder if installing the developer preview build will help?
I've got the same problem including wifi. I've got the band as well as Sync in my car. It might have to do with something about the band or maybe multiple bluetooth devices being connected. What model of the 830 do you have? RM-985, 984, or 983?
What model of the 830 do you have? RM-985, 984, or 983?

RM-983 from AT&T. You might be right about the problem being the Band and not the 830. I can't seem to resist using my Band long enough to test that theory though.
lol same here. My last day of classes is tomorrow so I might just stop using it for a bit after that.
I had a bad BT issue over the weekend with my ATT 830. At my cousins, I was playing music on my 830 while cleaning up. He says I should run it through his Samsung BT sound bar. Except my 830 wouldn't recognize the sound bar, just kept seeing a random "device" that it could not connect with. My son steps up with his iPhone 5, which immediately recognizes the Samsung sound bar and connects. So we had music, but everyone (except me) had a chuckle about the Windows phone.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
So I've gone three days without using the Microsoft Band, and that seems to have fixed the issue for me. Do you have the Band as well or any other device connected to Bluetooth all the time?
I have Pioneer BT stereos in several cars and this phone does not auto connect as it should. Very frustrating.
Definitely an issue with the Band. Put the Band in flight mode while you're in the car or when streaming over Bluetooth and the issue goes away.
I started using my band after a while and the problems returned. I think I'm just going to sell the band... I want it to work without messing up my phone. When it works again, I'll consider it again.
Yep! This is an issue with the Band, not the 830. I put my Band in Airplane Mode when I'm not using it and the problems go away. I hope Microsoft fixes this soon.

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