Bored with Windows Phone

You shouldn't need "encouragement." Are we now in grade school? Who knows what this guy wants because he has yet to tell us anything useful. Is he expecting us to beg him to stay? Really? He says he doesn't want this to be a OS war but that is pretty much what he asked for.
Okay, fine. "Encouragement" was a bad word. But you know what I meant.

Daniel was in NO WAY slamming WP. And our Forums are designed to give advice and deal with problems, right? Other mobile sites- Phone Arena, Phone Scoop, Phone Dog, GSM Arena, and a dozen more are fine places to go and argue about mobile and jump all over fans of other devices. They actually encourage it as it provides hits and great responses. WP Central and the other mobile nation sites along with similar types of "fan driven" forums on WM Power User are more for education and solving problems once purchases are made.

Theoretically, of course. Seems I am being a little naive. I have noticed Mr. Celeste has yet to respond on his own thread. Wonder how the iMore crowd is treating him.....
What are you bored with? The applications?

If there are some specific types of applications you're looking for, we can make suggestions.

Or if there are some apps you like on the iPhone, we can tell you if they're available on Windows Phone, or about some good alternatives.

Not sure what else to suggest as i'm not completely clear on what's boring to you. I can't be the lack of UI themes and customization, because iPhone is no different than WP there.
Why do people want free apps? You do realise how little return a Windows Phone developer gets, comparatively? Success stories are few are far between, and the ones I've seen truly take off are not of the highest quality, and used dirty methods to get to where they are. *Taptitude*

I don't get this either. People will spend $200 on a phone and $100-120 a month on a carrier plan, but $1-3 for an app is too much money. Really?

You want great apps, but you want people to make them for free.
I bought a Windows Phone almost a year ago and have been content with the OS ever since. It's buttery smoothness and quick functionality have greatly impressed me and have completely changed my thoughts about Microsoft.

Before my Windows Phone, I've owned two iPod touches and I currently own an iPad. I've come to the conclusion that it's time for me to switch*

I will probably be switching in the Fall when a new iPhone comes out (I am also fully aware of Windows Phone 8 - which seems like a good update). Are there any apps, homebrew tweaks (no interop unlock), or overall new uses and advantages for my Windows Phone that will keep me entertained for the next little while, or possibly change my mind about switching?
Thanks guys. This experience has been fun.

*This is not an invitation to dispute about different platforms. I'm just looking for some ways to keep myself entertained for now; I'll decide whether I switch or not when the time comes. On my own.

In the end I'm just looking for some iPhone-quality apps (preferably free) because I haven't been able to find any :(

I suggest you go to the iPhone Forum next door.
I am bored with WP7 because of lack of screen shot support, file management including not attaching actual files to email. The Zune desktop software is irritating me. I'd rather go back to manually managing Files and I think spotify might be a better option.
the only thing that hasn't been confirmed for support in your complaints is not having to go through Zune but I heard that might change as well. Be patient

Sent from Le Cyan de Lumia via Board Espresso
In the OP defense, I think when he says bored that it's not in the sense of the OS being boring. I think he/she just wants something new. In this tech age, alot of people want something new and WP just hasn't brought that out yet. WP8 will probably be that huge kick they need in order to stay, but how long will we have to wait? Oh, another 3-4 months? And thats not even promised. WP is still playing catch up.
My 2 Cents

I say you do it! Windows phone is cute but apps lack so bad i carry around my andriod phone also so i can play games and instagram (yes i like instagram). Its just something about android and ios i prefer. When i got my lumia i was promised all sorts of updates then a month later windows says no windows 8 for me...*tear* now i am stuck with a phone that has no real developer interest and waiting to get the galaxy nexus unlocked. Sorry wp fans you have something great but was kinda never ready for the big leauges and now some of us will mosey on along to other ecosystems where i will silently watch wp8 unfold into something amazing and genius or slowly die on the vine before it ever had a chance to blossem. And for those who dont believe a large robust ecosystem is a big deal you should seriously take a second look around and understand your kinda...sorta...wrong :-) anyway i will have my lumia for a bit longer so dont worry im not jumping ship yet.
I say you do it! Windows phone is cute but apps lack so bad i carry around my andriod phone also so i can play games and instagram (yes i like instagram). Its just something about android and ios i prefer. When i got my lumia i was promised all sorts of updates then a month later windows says no windows 8 for me...*tear* now i am stuck with a phone that has no real developer interest and waiting to get the galaxy nexus unlocked. Sorry wp fans you have something great but was kinda never ready for the big leauges and now some of us will mosey on along to other ecosystems where i will silently watch wp8 unfold into something amazing and genius or slowly die on the vine before it ever had a chance to blossem. And for those who dont believe a large robust ecosystem is a big deal you should seriously take a second look around and understand your kinda...sorta...wrong :-) anyway i will have my lumia for a bit longer so dont worry im not jumping ship yet.

one of the problems is that the Windows Phone is simply behind and statements are being made to be false and untimely. People are losing faith. It's like people already gave them a chance and now people are jumping ship. By the time the new WP8 devices come out, then the ship jumpers will already be settled into a new contract on a new Android phone.

Me, I'm holding off as long as I can in hopes of WP8 being something great. if it isn't then I'm going to wonder if I'll regret my decision and still be stuck in a new contract....the decision we have to make man.
let them be settled. WP has not made that big of a stamp in the market to show a big loss from ship jumpers, in which it's more than likely just the online community making a ruckus about it.
I thought the OP was looking for advice on making is WP7 more entertaining... yet I don't see much advice being given just people telling him off!!!!

Unhappy Bored with Windows Phone
I bought a Windows Phone almost a year ago and have been content with the OS ever since. It's buttery smoothness and quick functionality have greatly impressed me and have completely changed my thoughts about Microsoft.

Before my Windows Phone, I've owned two iPod touches and I currently own an iPad. I've come to the conclusion that it's time for me to switch*

I will probably be switching in the Fall when a new iPhone comes out (I am also fully aware of Windows Phone 8 - which seems like a good update). Are there any apps, homebrew tweaks (no interop unlock), or overall new uses and advantages for my Windows Phone that will keep me entertained for the next little while, or possibly change my mind about switching?
Thanks guys. This experience has been fun.

*This is not an invitation to dispute about different platforms. I'm just looking for some ways to keep myself entertained for now; I'll decide whether I switch or not when the time comes. On my own.

In the end I'm just looking for some iPhone-quality apps (preferably free) because I haven't been able to find any

First of all regarding the app: it is a KNOW fact that ALLOT of Developers are waiting for WP8 to come out because it is not worth Coding an APP for a system that will be switching in 3 months ( unless you support both witch will be half of them (iish))
I've personally gotten Reply from over 20 DEV's claiming this exact thing! New and improved apps ARE coming! 100% guaranty.

WP has THE FASTEST growing marketplace!! also a fun fact!! so *more apps* are coming and WP has been getting a STEADY stream of free apps :) ,

FYI 80% of apps are free but just have Advertising till you pay,
trial often = full free app but with advertising.

2. regarding Innovation , not to be an *ars* but WP has been the MOST innovative OS of all of them int he last 2years! NO DOUBT .. Iphone still has the same BLEND UI and build and Android Got better hardware... lol not very innovative.

WP has the Live tiles/Metro UI Unique integration for FB/Twitter/Xbox , I said unique, not the only one and unique = innovative.

3. Sadly there is Nothing * home brew or *different* you can do on WP with out a *Dev unlocked* phone!


Your gona be Bored of ALL the OS at some point in time. They ALL do the SAME function ( aside from the random features) The only thing I might be able to suggest is to switch from WP/Iphone or w/e , back and forth depending on how you feel that day!

soo Wait for WP8
switch to Iphone to enhance your already Existing Ecosystem with your Ipad.
get both. :P
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Did it ever occur to anybody that the OP was just plain bored so he concocted an ambiguous thread to rile up the posse? C'mon guys, and gals, y'all hit the bait like a 40 lb. Wahoo.
Did it ever occur to anybody that the OP was just plain bored so he concocted an ambiguous thread to rile up the posse? C'mon guys, and gals, y'all hit the bait like a 40 lb. Wahoo.


hehehe :P
u could play with ask Ziggy for awhile, or Kaliki, if u are really bored there is LIVE Music for eye dazzling light show that dance to the sound around you.... or watch TED videos since those are pretty informative and entertaining, or may be try the W Phone 8 app just to get a feel of things to come, if you are into reading news Zite has been great you should try it sometime

other than those... i don't know, face swap? i had a good time with it for a long time... and now, I'm going to be an *** and suggest you try GoDutch a tip calculator like no other :P (well i made it.... alittle commercial can't hurt can it?)

speaking of which, does anyone know of a good tutorial for making media players? im looking to make one for Win8, but have no idea how to do media stuff... :P
To the Op just roll on to Iphone5 because it sounds like Windows Phone isn't your cup of tea. If you need people to convince you to stay then you had already made you decision anyway. Some phones are not for some people and this one is not for you. Like I tell most folks be truthful to yourself about how you use your phone and your needs.

If you jump from one phone to the next trying to stay with the latest phone that is a waste of money, time, & intelligence. Stick with what you want to serve your needs. If you wanted an abundance of apps (Like Android & Apple) you came to the wrong platform. All you described is an indication that you went to the wrong platform for what you want to do.

People if you want to homebrew, tweak file systems, run custom roms, and etc WP is not for you. IF your thrill is constantly messing and tweaking you device then WP is not for you. IF all the electronics you have is fruit based than WP is not for you. If your most of your stuff has a little green alien on it then WP might not be for you. If the first app you load all the time on your new phone is kill task or a task manager then WP is not for you. If you need a specific app to do the task of help manage your daily life then WP is not for you.

If you have to have every new phone that comes out and wait in line behind 12 other folks just to have that new phone then WP is not the phone for you. Lastly if all you want is a phone to run apps on and not really use it's basic function which is to make a phone call than WP is not for you.

This rant was brought to you by the "Who cares if you want to go to another phone platform and need to be babied on why not to do it" company.........we aim to please and don't care about your needs.

And Sponsored by the "Phone purchasing foundation"......where we educate users to buy the phone that meets there needs and to not whine about it later. ;)
I'm not sure what makes people come on here. Are they hoping for a reaction? If so, mission accomplished.

OP, If you are just hellbent on buying an iphone, get in line and join in the madness when the new phone drops.

If you're just bored, and think you've done all that there is to do with your WP, then dev unlock it. Homebrew. Better yet, download the SDK and try your hand at programming for WP7. You never know, you may find something rewarding there.
I'm not really bored with my Lumia at all but the wife is constantly making fun of it and wants me to get an Android, cant play ANY games with her and her Words with Friends or Draw Something, and now some game where you race to pick songs....(i REALLY like that one), anyway, i didn't think any of this through when i went with a WP so its all on me but i gotta fix it i matter how good something is , if the wife says it sucks, it sucks....Peception IS Reality, especially with women, and MOST defiantly with wives......
I'm not really bored with my Lumia at all but the wife is constantly making fun of it and wants me to get an Android, cant play ANY games with her and her Words with Friends or Draw Something, and now some game where you race to pick songs....(i REALLY like that one), anyway, i didn't think any of this through when i went with a WP so its all on me but i gotta fix it i matter how good something is , if the wife says it sucks, it sucks....Peception IS Reality, especially with women, and MOST defiantly with wives......

Seriously, I agree happy wife happy life, BUT C'MON MAN! SACK UP! If you like the phone stay the course!

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