Hi guys! I'm a avid reader of this forum board and I went to my metro pcs store in hopes to find a new phone. So I go and I asked about unlocked phones. Guy says yeah most are completely compatible....I find myself at the mall at the Windows store buying this really cool windows phone. A blu win jr in pink... 95$ (great deal and cool phone). I had a 521 prior and loved it. I used to have an android but i dont love how spotty or ****ty they work. So today I went and i took it to the metro store to be activated because it wouldnt let me do it online.... :/ SMH. Sales guy has never seen this phone.... O_O oh boy I'm that guy, he tries to put it together with a new sim and tries to activate it And what do you know.... he has a hard time with. So I now have spotty crappy service and idk if the APN settings are right. The phone also keeps shutting off and on. HALP