Bug with pinch to zoom in ie9 mango


New member
Dec 1, 2011

I think there is a bug with pinch to zoom in internet explorer that has appeared with mango.

When I go to a website, wait for it load completely and touch the screen with two fingers, the page is first zoomed in even if I don't move my fingers. Then I can adjust the zoom by moving them. This doesn't feel right : I don't want any zoom if I don't move my fingers on the screen!

This doesn't happen if I first double tap on the screen to have a first zoom, or do a pinch to zoom before the page has loaded completely. This doesn't happen on everything else than internet explorer.

Do someone else have the same issue?

My configuration :

1. Phone Manufacturer = HTC
2. Phone Model = HD7 T9292
3. Mobile Operator = SFR (FRANCE)
4. Phone Operating System version = 7.5 (7.10.7740.16)
5. Firmware = 2250.21.40502.401

If you double tap with one finger on a text box you zoom the text to fit the screen works the same in email. When you are touching the screen with 2 fingers it might be seeing it as a double tap. Its hard to get both fingers on the screen at the same time.
I've always noticed this, along with the tile-redrawing on the start screen when you have a lot of tiles pinned. Hope updates fix this (along with the messed up keyboard...it's a pain typing right now)

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