Bye Bye, Check back in a month or so


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Going back to Iphone until Wp7 get's their act together. I just installed an app from the marketplace using my laptop, and it's nowhere to be found on my phone. Tried getting it directly from the marketplace on my phone and the same error "Can't get this right now. Check back in a little while" pops up as usual!!! Bye Bye, I will check back when they have their crap together. Good thing I kept my Iphone!!
Going back to Iphone until Wp7 get's their act together. I just installed an app from the marketplace using my laptop, and it's nowhere to be found on my phone. Tried getting it directly from the marketplace on my phone and the same error "Can't get this right now. Check back in a little while" pops up as usual!!! Bye Bye, I will check back when they have their crap together. Good thing I kept my Iphone!!

What app did you install? Did you restart your device and attempted to install it again? By giving up, you wont have your voice heard by Microsoft for them to get their act together. Do as you wish, but complete negativity like this wont help the platform at all. We're all annoyed with Microsoft with how they've almost destroyed WP7, but we are determined to see this through as it's a damn good OS.

Oh, yeah, bye.
Oh, I will be back, but for now too frustrated! And yes, restarted, tried to install, and Zune says already purchased??
Oh, I will be back, but for now too frustrated! And yes, restarted, tried to install, and Zune says already purchased??

Unfortunately you can't re-install apps through Zune, you have to do it via your device on the Marketplace. All Zune will report is (as you just stated) that you already have purchased this app. You can simply download all already-purchased apps via your device for free.

I do understand your frustration, but I'm certain Microsoft are (very slowly) learning from mistakes made with WP7 thus far.
Hopefully you didn't waste too much money on that app you won't be using by switching back to the iPhone.

I still stand by my argument that every phone has its flaws.
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I see this a lot: Someone buys the latest hardware because it's the shiniest, but they don't know the OS. You hear "I don't know how to *fill in the blank* eff this crap, I'm leaving. (This is not directed specifically at gator.) Them 20 minutes later someone spends the time to explain the simple solution.
Smartphones are not simple things, so ther need to be some self-motivated training done to get everything out of them. People need to do their homework. Bashing something that you have not invested any time in learning is not fair. It's like saying that Mandarin is a stupid language because you don't speak it.

This the place for opinions, right? ;-)

Sent from my flippin' sweet Quantum using Board Express

But I was almost in the same boat. But I just can't do iPHone again. WP7 is a fresh, albeit, young OS. I really really like it. I think MS has a winner on their hands. iOS hasn't changed in YEARS!

I feel the same way. I want to try out some of the new apps on iPhone like color, but after using WP7 for a couple months I really don't want to go back to pages and folders.

If they would just throw me a bone with the NoDo update I would be somewhat satisfied. 4th & Mayor might also have been a saving grace. It confirms how great apps can look and function on WP7. Even more amazing, from what I understand, it is from a single developer! And it has only been out a week!

The pieces are starting to fall in place, I just wish they would fall a little faster.
I feel the same way. I want to try out some of the new apps on iPhone like color, but after using WP7 for a couple months I really don't want to go back to pages and folders.

If they would just throw me a bone with the NoDo update I would be somewhat satisfied. 4th & Mayor might also have been a saving grace. It confirms how great apps can look and function on WP7. Even more amazing, from what I understand, it is from a single developer! And it has only been out a week!

The pieces are starting to fall in place, I just wish they would fall a little faster.
Do what I'm doing:
Phone: WP7
Tablet: iPad 2

Win win. Get to use new iapps on the shiny idevice, and use a fresh smartphone.
Do what I'm doing:
Phone: WP7
Tablet: iPad 2

Win win. Get to use new iapps on the shiny idevice, and use a fresh smartphone.

I'm starting to look at those new Samsung Honeycomb tabs, specifically the 8.9 with pretty oogling eyes.

When I look at my device behavior, I pretty much live on the having Google Chrome with tabs as a browser is more enticing than Safari at the moment.

But I was almost in the same boat. But I just can't do iPHone again. WP7 is a fresh, albeit, young OS. I really really like it. I think MS has a winner on their hands. iOS hasn't changed in YEARS!

That's exactly how I feel about WP7. I just hope they get their act together on the whole update thing... I can't wait for them Nokia Windows Phones!
Do what I'm doing:
Phone: WP7
Tablet: iPad 2

Win win. Get to use new iapps on the shiny idevice, and use a fresh smartphone.

Hmm... iPad 2 = iPad 1 with little new features and updated hardware = just a stretched iPhone 4 OS = FAIL but then again Apple = fail so yeah lmao :)
Hmm... iPad 2 = iPad 1 with little new features and updated hardware = just a stretched iPhone 4 OS = FAIL but then again Apple = fail so yeah lmao :)

Well........people buy that **** in'll take a monumental achievement to make Apple actually start trying.

Right now they're just on auto pilot cause they can be. We can say what we want in the future of computing, but Apple's stuff just works. It performs quite admirably for the mass market who just wants the internet, or the technophobe who likes another toy.
Well........people buy that **** in'll take a monumental achievement to make Apple actually start trying.

Right now they're just on auto pilot cause they can be. We can say what we want in the future of computing, but Apple's stuff just works. It performs quite admirably for the mass market who just wants the internet, or the technophobe who likes another toy.

Yeah too bad that that's the truth. I used to love the iPod before Zune came around when the iPhone came out I knew it would become popular and over-rated by default, so me loving uniqueness, I was the first on top of Zune and immediately started to dislike Apple. I won't deny that it works though, one of the most stable OS's out there.
Yeah too bad that that's the truth. I used to love the iPod before Zune came around when the iPhone came out I knew it would become popular and over-rated by default, so me loving uniqueness, I was the first on top of Zune and immediately started to dislike Apple. I won't deny that it works though, one of the most stable OS's out there.
I thought the Zune was superior to the iPod the moment I saw it. I had a first Gen Nano and went to the Zune 80gb. I got more space, FM radio and Zune Pass. The hardware was slick and I love the headphones (I still use them with my WP7 phone). It was cool you could send music to a friend too. I tried it out with another friend and it worked well.
When I look at my device behavior, I pretty much live on the having Google Chrome with tabs as a browser is more enticing than Safari at the moment.

There's a pretty vast selection of 3rd party browsers on the iPad, which include things like tabbed browing and private modes.. and considering a 1st gen iPad is cheaper than almost all current (good) Android tablets, I haven't figured out why I would go with an Android tablet. Almost every review I read says that the OS and/or the hardware on all of them feel unfinished.. and I think we all know how I feel about things that I think feel unfinished.

If I change, I'll probably eBay my iPad and get a BB Playbook since they (finally, officially) announced it will be able to run Android apps along with BB apps. QNX isn't something to ignore.

@luis "just a stretched iphone 4 os" what's wrong with that? LOL
There's a pretty vast selection of 3rd party browsers on the iPad, which include things like tabbed browing and private modes.. and considering a 1st gen iPad is cheaper than almost all current (good) Android tablets, I haven't figured out why I would go with an Android tablet. Almost every review I read says that the OS and/or the hardware on all of them feel unfinished.. and I think we all know how I feel about things that I think feel unfinished.

If I change, I'll probably eBay my iPad and get a BB Playbook since they (finally, officially) announced it will be able to run Android apps along with BB apps. QNX isn't something to ignore.

@luis "just a stretched iphone 4 os" what's wrong with that? LOL

I use pretty much use Google products online exclusively.

That.....and I will live my life as long as possible before I install iTunes onto my Windows Computer.
i noticed you posted that around 6am this morning and honestly, it seems like M$ usually has the marketplace down (probably for maintenance) late nights as i was up and couldn't install any apps last night either. restart your device and try around the afternoon to evening time frame.

@RichEdmonds - i'll probably go the route of the BlackBerry playbook as i'll be able to install android apps on it. that tablet looks fresh man and watching video on it is dope.

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