Call+SMS filter blocks all messages!!


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Feb 17, 2014
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~ I have a Lumia 920 with W8.1
~ The Call+SMS filter blocks all messages! The Call filter works correctly but not the SMS filter.
~ The messages I get from my contacts(eg: mom, dad etc) are all received correctly and show up in the messaging app no matter what happens.
~ But lets say I get a message from my bank[which i don't want to block, so I leave it alone] and then after some time I get an unwanted spam message so I press and hold the message and add it to the blocked list.
~ But then next time whenever I get a message from the bank, it shows up in the blocked messages list.
~ And after that any message I get goes straight to the blocked list[not messages sent by ppl from my contacts]
~ I've tried deleting all the blocked numbers from the blocked list and switching off the 'Block Withheld Numbers' option and after that I get all messages normally but as soon as I block one unwanted message, the rest of the messages I receive after that start getting blocked too and end up in the blocked messages list[even when I haven't specifically added those unwanted numbers to the blocked list]
~ I have tried soft resets multiple times[to fix another problem] but it's still the same after resetting
~ Has anyone else encountered this problem??[It happens on my mom's Lumia 630 too]
~ It's not a major issue, it's just very very inconvenient :/
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!! :)

Tejas Javery

New member
Mar 19, 2014
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I am sorry, I was gonna be suggesting you to soft reset, but as you have already done it, I am clueless. I know this is not a good solution, but download truecaller, and in settings, under phone call settings, replace the block and filter app with truecaller.

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