Calling on all wp users? What is your exit strategy from Redmond's sinking ship??

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Yazan Abdullah

New member
Nov 3, 2013
I am on Verizon and I own a lumia icon running wp 8.1 dev preview. At this point, I wish to drop wp and move on to either android or iOS. I am interested in knowing who is going for iOS and who is going for android and why.

Here is a list of issues that I am no longer able to tolerate on my device:

1-lack of apps like venmo.
2-poor app quality compared to other OS, such as feature-deficient ebay app.
3-better Microsoft experience on iOS and android, specifically skype.
4-lack of unique features?for instance, Cortana is making its way to iOS and android pretty soon.
5-lack of syncing software between my wp device and my surface pro 3.
6-lack of Bluetooth connection between my phone and my surface pro 3. Believe it or not, I cannot send a photo from my phone to my surface pro 3, via Bluetooth.
7-lack of alphabetical order on settings menu.
8-addresses in Internet explorer lead to bing maps, yet we use here maps for directions, makes a messy user experience.
9-google maps is superior to here maps in the united states.
10-aweful gmail support.
11-aweful email attachment functionality.
12-shotty copy/paste function.
13-regressing xbox music experience, I went from bad to worse.
14-pathetically and laughably slow camera software.
15-camera software produces soft images.
16-apps are painfully slow to load.
17-they said denim would be out by q4 but it is now November 15th. I hated android because no one could get updates and every phone had a different experience. Now what we are witnessing is the androidification of windows phone, in the sense that we have fragmentation with some people on wp8 and wp8.1 and some have cyan and hardly anyone has denim.
18-windows 10 appears to be a mess according to the most recent reports, and whether windows 10 is any good or not, we still have no clue what windows 10 would be like on a phone. We know what it would look like on a desktop or laptop, but who knows what it will look like on a phone. Just like how MS attributed missing features in wp 8 to the resources being used to update the ?kernel?, they will make phone version of windows 10 very primitive and attribute the primitiveness to the need for resources to be dedicated to the finalization of a novel system that unifies the experience across PCs and phones. In other words, MS will say ?sorry windows phone users, no proper skype and xbox music for you because we have been focusing on unifying the experience and getting devs to develop one app for all. But if you wait, we?ll give you these features in our next update??..they?ll call the update lumia cashmere or something? and then off course no one will get the update.
19-MS has zero power over carriers. Verizon is withholding cyan and nothing can be done about this.
20-no one knows when windows 10 is coming out. So we have to wait months and months, while iOS and android users enjoy superior apps from both third parties, as well as MS themselves.
21-no matter what I do, IE keeps showing me mobile version of sites.
22-lumia devices are heavy and tend to slip off and fall more than android and iOS devices which are lighter in weight.

All of this points to one thing: Satya does not think wp is worth resources and hence the windows phone OS is simply an ongoing experiment that MS is ready to end anytime now.
I don?t have a contract with Verizon so I can easily move. What are your thoughts about moto x pure edition with android 5 vs iphone 6?
I bid you farewell my friend and wish you a safe journey :) TBH I also feel like MS could pull the plug on WP at any moment, but now that they've tied themselves to W10 they will have to go through with it.... So we know that WP is safe for at least another year or two
Honestly, I'm good. If anything I may leave VZW, but definitely not WP. It seems if you want to keep up with the experience and not get left behind, you need to be on AT&T. Good thing I'm on the Edge program so when I finally get completely fed up, I can leave at any time.
Honestly, I'm good. If anything I may leave VZW, but definitely not WP. It seems if you want to keep up with the experience and not get left behind, you need to be on AT&T. Good thing I'm on the Edge program so when I finally get completely fed up, I can leave at any time.

True.. My loyalties lay with WP and I'll stay to support the OS
True.. My loyalties lay with WP and I'll stay to support the OS

Why would anyone be "loyal" to a type of cell phone. I see this constantly here, and I don't get it.

Saying that you're sticking with Windows Phone because that's what you prefer is perfectly understandable, but I find this loyalty sentiment to be kind of ridiculous.
Why would anyone be "loyal" to a type of cell phone. I see this constantly here, and I don't get it.

Saying that you're sticking with Windows Phone because that's what you prefer is perfectly understandable, but I find this loyalty sentiment to be kind of ridiculous.

Lol well im not an extremist :P I wouldn't jump on a bomb to safe a lumia lol but by loyalty I mean that I will stick around to see how things turn out and if it turns out to have been a waste of time... Well at least I went along for the ride and will have the memories. I could just as easily move to IOS and still have the functionality I need for myself, but I believe that WP can become better
The thing I find ridiculous is someone taking the time to do a post with so many points of why he is leaving, why not just leave, it's seems a bit like going up to a girlfriend and saying I am leaving you because, and then listing all her faults for spite rather than just saying, I am sorry but it's over.

Why not just go, and let the rest of us live on in our ignorance and if it is a sinking ship that's our lookout not yours as you will be happy somewhere else, bye.
Ehhh... I don't really have to think much about it until August. We should have a lot more clarity about WP then, so I'm good until that time. Also on Vzw with an Icon.
I'm just waiting til they announce their end support of WP then I'll switch.
Been using WP since WP7 days and was my first and only smartphone and OS to date.
I find it rather ironic that your post happens to follow Sam's requesting users to state why they love WP. He is gathering material for future articles on why, how and other pertinent thoughts from us, the WP users. Then he looks down and sees this topic of exit strategy; quite ironic.
Waiting to see if the following functionality comes with windows 10:
USB data tethering,
USB on the go,
Ability to save contacts on the sim card,
Intel inside!

Means I will be using windows Phone for the next year and things / feelings will change along the way.
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