Camera360Pro vs Lumia Camera


New member
May 4, 2014
I am using Lumia 525. I had just installed Camera360Pro (NOT the ordinary Camera360) from store just to try it out (I tried whatever camera apps available in store, the ones to my liking will stay and the other i uninstall). I use Lumia Camera as benchmark. I use Microsoft Camera too for quick snap & Lumia Camera if time allows.

What surprised me is that Camera360Pro focuses way quicker than Lumia Camera. Why Microsoft can't make Lumia Camera's AF this fast?

Have anyone here try Camera360Pro? But I dont like the filter sets of that app. I like OneLens filters better.
I have done the same, camera 360 pro is great with AF and smooth taking photos. I normally don't use filters for what I use a camera for taking construction pictures. I did a photo in a almost pitch dark basement of a fire the other day and it was amazing.
Who makes Camera360 Pro?
I went to the store & there's a couple of different versions from a couple of different people.

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