Can charge with but CAN'T connect to laptop

I also noticed that i could connect to my older macbook but not to my newer one. I tried all types of drivers and software but no luck. It ended up being that my 1520 doesn't get recognized by my newer USB 3.0 macbook but works fine with any USB 2.0 slot.... Weird.
UPDATE to my original post.

seems like the issue has disappeared. at least for now.
i plugged in to laptop this morning and i started to install drivers.
phone had popped up with the "nag" about using USB as data connection.
i have had it set that way since day one. and had the issue described in OP.
so... why today do i get the "nag"?

got home from work, and connected, and phone is seen by computer.
i'm not going to believe the issue has been solved until i see it connecting for two or three days.
i'm thinking that it may NOT be a bent USB pin on the phone as was suggested above.
either way, as i said, i;m not going to press my luck. it'll be a day by day thing.

just happy that it's working. at least for now.
Sometimes it is a bios issue sort of similar to my 2nd hard drive problem. When I first put it in the PC did not recognize it and then after a while of trying different things a few days later it just started to recognize the drive. I later found out it was a Windows 8.1 flaw in how different motherboards and chipsets recognize drives and external devices. Not saying that this is the problem but it sure sounds similar to what i went through.

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