Can I get some help with OneDrive sync issues?

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Windows Central Question

OneDrive sync issues

Since starting with OneDrive about 4 weeks ago I've encountered several problems I never experienced with Dropbox:

1) When I start the OneDrive app on my pc (running Windows 8.1 and Office 365) OneDrive reports that some of my files in my Documents folder are "online only" (and the Document folder does not have the cloud and pc graphic indicating online and offline availability). When I access the Documents folder, all my files appear to be available offline, so the problem is with OneDrive reporting tather than actual availabiility (I think). This is more frustrating than a serious problem, though it has left me wondering whether some of my files might not be available offline when I need them most...

2) Whenever I try to add large folders of photographs to my OneDrive "Pictures" folder, OneDrive stalls and I need to reset OneDrive which takes ages. I've tried adding one folder at a time (folder size under 500MB), but that doesn't seem to help. I have loads of storage available on OneDrive, no internet useage limitations, and good connection speed (download 80mbs, upload 5mbs).

Any help / suggestions appreciated...



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Nov 14, 2008
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Re: OneDrive sync issues

1) A long-standing issue they can't seem to fix. You could try total removal of OneDrive, but the problem usually returns.
2) How long until it "stalls"? It will take a long time to process any changes like that.

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