Can I make a power point presentation by 1520?


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I don't mean can I make it in my phone. But if I load it on to my 1520 can I use it to project it some how to screen. No we don't have the screen mirroring or project my screen option in our department. It's a basic projector with hdmi and vga output support so if its possible I wont have to carry my laptop always.i have no problem buying any adapters or any accessories if that makes it possible.
Best option would be a Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter and Miracast if your 1520 has Cyan.
Maybe you can use that MS Miracast device, but it needs a powered USB or wall plug.

Oops, didn't see the above post ^^
I used Lumia Beamer combined with PowerPoint to present a project once.
Worked rather nicely, I didn't have any fancy transitions, and I had an awkward orientation issue setting up, but it worked. (didn't have the option to Project My Screen via neither USB or Miracast)

But that requires a computer (maybe you could borrow one from someone onsite) and I don't think you can easily adapter your way to a projector. So basically what other people said. I've yet to meet a smartphone capable of hooking into VGA like that (off the top of my head) although I've heard of devices with a projector built in.
iPhones have adaptors to connect to HDMI and VGA. Not sure if it works with PowerPoint thought. I use it to play my exercise videos onto my 60" having to use DVDs.
The best solution would be the Mirracast. I have a Netgear Push2TV adapter that works very well and was inexpensive.
I've used the Microsoft Adapter to present a PPTX off my 1520, worked quite well as long as the PPTX doesn't have too many complex features. Once Office is de-coupled from the OS and we see Office Gemini it should be much better.

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