Can I transfer apps from someone else's WP7.5 into my Zune Software?


New member
Dec 29, 2011
Sorry for poor english, this is not my native language.

Hey forum, I could not find a topic like this and the matter is quite urgent. If there is another like this, then please link me and flag tag petition (anything) for deletion.

Hello forum, recently I come across the most impressive youtube app for WP's called MetroTube. I'm sure most of you have it Anyway, I'm getting a WP mid January, which by then the app will be pulled off the market much to my dismay.
I would really like to have this app but no way to get it right now, So I thought to myself, what if i borrow my friend's phone and transfer the app here? but did not know if this was possible. Will it work? If not, can I log into Zune market with my friend's ID and download the app to my computer from his account? when i do that, will the app be "tethered" to his account or will it be sotred on my computer?

Sorry for the lots of questions but I want this app very much!

Thank you all

Your English is fine GoodOrange.

Any apps you download on any device are linked to the Windows Live ID on the phone.

If you have another Windows Live ID, you can't transfer any apps over I'm afraid.

You could always set up a windows live ID for yourself and purchase MetroTube in Zune.

I think you can purchase the apps in Zune without having a phone.

Then it would be available for your phone when you get it.

Welcome along to WPCental GoodOrange. :)
Thank you for your response and suggestions.
However, I am unable to get the app because I do not have a windows phone tied to my account...

So in conclusion, I am unable to get this app?
You're welcome, what I meant was could you not set up a Zune account and purchase MetroTube just now and just add it to your phone when you get it ?

I do remember the developer saying it would still be available for download to users who had purchased it, but not sure how he intends to do it.

Anyway, if your friend downloads it on his phone, MetroTube can only be re downloaded by him, so it is tied to his Live account GoodOrange, there's no way you can just copy it over for use by yourself.
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Thank you for your response and suggestions.
However, I am unable to get the app because I do not have a windows phone tied to my account...

So in conclusion, I am unable to get this app?

What he's saying is that you don't need a Windows Phone to purchase the app. You just need a Windows Live ID (it's free to sign up)

When you get your phone you have to go through the setup process. That's when you have a chance to enter the Live ID you created. Make sure the Live ID you enter into the phone is the same Live ID you purchased the app on.

In theory it should automatically download after you sync your phone.
Borrow your buddies WP and plug it in, I think the Zune software doesn't see a win phone so it doesn't know what to do with the app... and then the purchase should still be tied to your live id because that's what your signed in under on Zune..

worth a shot.
GoodOrange try EasyTube. It's the one I use and it works great. You can permanently download the videos to your phone in user created folders, chose your resolution, all that stuff. I've used it pretty much since day one. They have a full-function ad supported version and a 99? ad free version, which I got free during a limited time promotion.

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