Can the 1520.3 owners get Lumia Denim update?

Mwahahaha I couldn't go to a 635. My brother has one and I always go "eww get tho thing away from me" lol And I do have a 1520.3... And it isn't in pieces!!!
ON a side note: I'm sorry for your loss
loss? nah temporary setback my beast still lives, its just in pieces while the screen shows up. it will be here this week! I'll be rocking denim 30 mins after it shows up, and this 635 will go to the person who it was built for, my mother! enjoy denim! will be there soon!

sidenote: 635 has its benefits, namely WINDOWS 10!
I have been trying to download an update since yesterday, but keep getting an error when it goes to install it.
Does anyone know if I can flash a 1520.3 RM-938 Denim from another country on my 1520.3 RM-938 BR CV?

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