Can you please do a little test?

@BrunoMG Worked on my 625 with 10586.456, 930 with 15063.138, 950XL with 14393.1066

my mom in law blu win HD lte (x150q) with 149393.9?? works.

My 920 with 10586.839 flash is broken so can't really confirm it but the button does highlight on so it thinks it turned it on!

Will check my moms 640 later
I haven't used it in months (someone else is using it) but my Lumia 640's LED flash was completely disabled whenever it was plugged in on Windows 10 Mobile.

I smell a 640-only problem.

Seems to be pointing in that direction.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4 basically it's a random bug?
Happens in some phones and doesn't in others?....

unfortunately windows 10 mobile is full of random bugs, I have 4 different phones running latest production builds, 950,650, 4s and x3 and all run it differently, same apps on all phones, some apps work some don't. This is not an issue that people should be dealing with running on production devices with production builds. This just shows how poorly MS have treated mobile 10 since the very beginning.
Known bug...
Camera flash and the flashlight won't work on some phones when plugged to a charging source.

Not sure if that qualifies as a bug. Whats the practical purpose of camera/flashlight when your phone battery needs charging....either charge, or use.
Yep..........that problem solving explains a lot about where W10M stands nowadays..........................
Not sure if that qualifies as a bug. Whats the practical purpose of camera/flashlight when your phone battery needs charging....either charge, or use.

Yeah? But in works in all other phones.....if it didn't work in ANY phone I would agree......
So......yes it's a bug.
Or a hardware impossibility.
Or a software impossibility
Doesn't work on my Lumia 640XL. It's some bug or whatever. When there is electricity, you don't need your camera flash, except in some cases.
Yeah? But in works in all other phones.....if it didn't work in ANY phone I would agree......
So......yes it's a bug.
Or a hardware impossibility.
Or a software impossibility

Its likely a consequence of the charging circuit. A tablet or phone needs to trigger a special mode, to recognise charging, and make it happen. Its for some reason quite complicated and on some cheaper devices for example it can cause bootloops because the device doesn't have enough charge to trigger charging mode. Alternatively sometimes when a device won't boot, it can be made to boot by plugging it in. There's some hardware level intergration that's mostly invisible to users.

Can't say I understand everything about it, but it doesn't surprise me things like this occur, and I doubt its exclusive to windows 10 mobile devices.
Yeah? But in works in all other phones.....if it didn't work in ANY phone I would agree......
So......yes it's a bug.
Or a hardware impossibility.
Or a software impossibility

Not a bug, especially with W10 how it's implied by some, works on so many different phones except 640 and 640XL so far. Likely a hardware limitation issue with that series.

It's a bug if some 640 have it and some 640 don't.
What I'm wondering is whether 640's exhibit the same behavior on 8.1.

That's a good point, I forgot it shipped with 8.1, I upgraded the phone to w10 right away.

Even better to know if @BrunoMG tried a 3rd party flashlight app since windows 8.1 didn't have the flashlight built in... or did it eventually? I'll try with a 3rd party flashlight app when I can get a hold of my mom's phone.

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