Can't find Skype Messaging Beta app in store. Help


New member
Mar 26, 2014
I have been trying for a couple days now to try out this messaging skype beta app but I cannot find it in the stores and the link on the Microsoft site does not do anything, any help with that?
Re: Messaging skype beta

What happens when you click on it? Doesn't it redirect you to the new Windows Store?
What about this direct link?

https ://www

There's spaces after https and www, remove that before clicking. WC is adding those redirect urls for some reason.
Re: Messaging skype beta

What about this direct link?

https ://www

There's spaces after https and www, remove that before clicking. WC is adding those redirect urls for some reason.

It brings me to the website, the is a get app button but its greyed out and I can't get it to launch anything. Don't know if it matters but I'm on windows 10 technical preview and using a Lumia 1520.
Re: Messaging skype beta

Figured it out. Edge was on view websites in desktop not mobile and when I switched to mobile, I was able to download. Thanks for your help and links though! Greatly appreciated

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