Can't receive iMessages

As people have hinted towards, its an Apple issue. Your friends iphone is still trying to send an imessage, since thats what it thinks you have. Deleting and readding won't always work, it takes some time for Apple's servers to sort everything out (I believe its 2 weeks). Till then, just hate on Apple for causing you such inconvenience and send emails
Go to apples support site log into your Apple ID go to account and Devices and Then remove the old iphone from your number.
This is the answer:

Annoyed the heck out of my wife...

When you leave an Apple iPhone you must turn off iMessaging on your phone in the settings before you change to any other type of phone.

If you do not, then your phone number is registered in the Apple servers as being tied to iMessage and you will have trouble.

Typically one on one, you will still get messages, but they will be delayed because phones try to iMessage first. But for group messages, you will never get the message.

If you no longer have your phone you will have to use someone else's phone and put your SIM in the phone, start it, and turn iMessaging off. If you are on a different carrier, it won't matter if the phone is on Wifi.

After you have turned that off, your friends will still need to power down and restart their phones before everything works.

Welcome to the world of Apple lock down... you are not permitted to leave Apple. How dare you even think about it!
could you go to an apple store. insert your sim in one of their phones, log into imessage with your apple id, then disable it, then log off. and remove your sim.
I see no such marker in Contacts on my iPad.

Obviously it seems like there is something more pressing working on the backside of this, but I know there was an option to say what type of phone your contacts used on my wife's iPhone 4, and when you selected iPhone then it gave a "call using Facetime" option.
I had this same issue. I believe if you have another idevice like an iPad or Mac you should be able to control it there. The best bet is go to an apple store.
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro
This is what I'm head to do right now. Will report back results.

Ahhh. Don't listen to me man. I don't know what i'm doing! lol!!! Honestly though it was just a thought. somehow you'd think someone at an apple store should be able to rectify such a thing.
could you go to an apple store. insert your sim in one of their phones, log into imessage with your apple id, then disable it, then log off. and remove your sim.

exactly what I was going to say. I've done this before but i logged on my bro in laws old iPhone. Pretty simple. As long as u have your number the same your good.
I can confirm that this does not work... been there, tried it.

Worked fine for me. You have to give it time to update. Apple Servers are slow. After about an hour or two I started rgetting text messages just fine from apple friends.
Ditto here. Same happened to me when I upgraded last November to my Lumia. Going to support page really seemed to do the trick for me.
Obviously it seems like there is something more pressing working on the backside of this, but I know there was an option to say what type of phone your contacts used on my wife's iPhone 4, and when you selected iPhone then it gave a "call using Facetime" option.

Under Contacts on iOS, you first have the option for just "Phone". Type some numbers and then another option appears underneath that says "iPhone". If you type some other numbers there you get another option, and another. Ideally they'd all just be visible, but that's what you have to do to get those options to appear.
Thanks to alpinestarz and ftap. Removing my SIM card and popping it into another iPhone did the trick. Turned off iMessage in the other device and then put SIM card right back in Lumia. After about 2 minutes messages started appearing on Lumia from iPhone folks.

Now, the remaining annoying thing is that I no longer have texts on both iPad and phone but I knew that going into this so I guess that is the only casualty.
You don't have to make them delete your contacts, just disconnect your old iPhone from WiFi and/or remove the Apple ID off of it. My mom had the same problem when she switch to WP.
SOLUTION (For me at least): I hope this helps someone out. I had removed imessage off my old phone, my friends deleted my contact information from their phone and then re added it and I also removed my iPhone from the iTunes account. After doing all that I still couldn't receive group messages from iPhone users. What I ended up having to do was call AT&T. Apparently I had blocked a phone number on my account about a year earlier. This was called AT&T Smart... something or other. For some reason, removing that feature opened up group messaging immediately on my Android. Kinda weird, but it worked.
So, I purchased the 920 yesterday to replace a lost iPhone 5 and I now can't receive iMessages from iPhone users. I can send to them but can't receive back. No issue with non-iPhone users. AT&T support has informed me that this is an iMessage issue and just sends me to the Apple support folks.

Is there anyway to resolve this?

The ACTUAL fix for this was for YOU to log out of/turn off iMessage on your phone number before you stopped using your iPhone. You told the iMessage server your number was logged in to iMessage, so when some other iUser messages you, it tries to use iMessage. If you forgot to do this, then having your friends delete/readd you does clear it for each of them. You're kinda screwed since you lost your iPhone, but if someone is migrating from iOS to WP8, that's all they need to do.

Edit: from the interwebs... if you have access to a Mac, you can still fix it this way

"I know this question was a while back but I figured I'ld answer anyway.

Launch the Message app from your mac
Log into the account of the person recieving the unwanted messages
On the top right corner by the apple logo, it should say "Messages"
Click on "Messages"
Click on "Preferences"
Click on the "Accounts" tab
Click on your accounts and see which ones have numbers that are linked to them (you can see those numbers on the right side)
Uncheck the number in which you no longer want to recieve messages from

There you go!"

So, maybe you can hunt down a mac and do that?
if you still have your iphone 5 the simple way to do this is to turn it back on over wifi in airplane mode is fine go into settings->messages-> and turn off imessage give it a bit to register with the new works and even power cycle the device but this has always cured the issue for me.
Search for "Deregister iMessage" and look for Apple's FAQ
I haven't tried it yet, but sounds like it is the official solution from Apple

Would post a link, but I'm new on the forum so I don't have permission.

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