Capacitive buttons stopped working and work randomly after update


New member
Aug 15, 2012
Is anyone else having this issue, I have had it for the last couple days, if this gets any worse I will have to swap back to android and I don't like android. I can't use my phone a lot of the time because of this issue. Turning the screen off and on a lot sometimes lets me use the buttons, but only a few seconds.
Is anyone else having this issue, I have had it for the last couple days, if this gets any worse I will have to swap back to android and I don't like android. I can't use my phone a lot of the time because of this issue. Turning the screen off and on a lot sometimes lets me use the buttons, but only a few seconds.

Try a soft reset (hold vol down + power 15 secs)
It did not work, the buttons still randomly work and don't work, it has been happening since the update a few days ago.
We reflashed my phone to 8.1, and updated it using upgrade advisor, but the problem is still there now. I am worried my phone is broken.
Same happened to my lumia 830 on 8.1 even after changing the screen twice...finally used interop unlock to tweak the REG and added on screen navigation button which is working flawlessly
How do I do that? Is the a guide to add the onscreen buttons? What if I replace the glass, will that fix it?
If you're on Windows 10 mobile just download Interop Tools. Interop Tools for Windows 10 Mobile lets you edit your registry for some hacks and tweaks. About the screen, you can actually change it but I changed mine twice and though it worked for a while buh the same problem eventually occurred.
Use this link to download
To Install, go to on Update & Security...then click on For Developers..under Use developer features select Developer Mode
Once you've opened the zip Interop Tools Releases the dependencies folder and click on each file there and install each one...then go back and then click on InteropToolsApp_beta_1.7_0.0.157.0_arm.appxbundle to install...after installing just wait for a couple of minutes the app will show up in your app list then you open it ;)
To download Interop tools use this link
To install you must enable developer mode. Go to Update & Security under settings then click for developers..under Use developer features select developer mode. Open the downloaded zip file and open on interoptools releases folder...then open the dependencies folder and install each file there by clicking on each of them and selecting install when being prompted if you like to do so. Then go back and install "InteropToolsApp_beta_1.7_0.0.157.0_arm.appxbundle" by also clicking it and selecting install. Then just wait for a couple of minutes you should see it appear on your app list
i have lumia 830 and its capacitive buttons stopped working.i installed interop tools but can not find registry for on screen buttons so which registry do i need to edit to add onscreen buttons?
Sorry guys...been a little busy :p
Once you've successfully installed interop tools open the app and follow this registry path carefully.
Select "Microsoft"
Select "Shell"
Select "NavigationBar"

Once you've gotten to this registry path do this.
Click on "..." by your extreme right and select "Addvalue" then do this

In the *Registry Type* section change it to "Integer"
In the *Registry Value Name* type "SoftwareModeEnabled"
In the *Registry Value Data* type "1"
Then finally click on "Write"

Once you're done restart your phone and watch the magic happens :D
I have the same issue on my 930... it is constantly pressing the capacitive keys and changing between single hand mode and normal mode... I'll try these suggestions!
Probably you aren't doing something right. I knw of couple of people that actually did this and it's working. That's also what I'm using presently on my Lumia 830.
Jst give a try again. Follow all the steps properly and i'm sure it'll work. Make sure there's no space where you're writing "SoftwareModeEnabled". A restart is necessary for it take effect
If it's still not showing up follow this carefully. Once you open the app. Click on the hamburger menu at the top left corner and select "Interop Unlock". Turn ON "Restore NDTKSvc" then restart your device. Then go back to the "Interop Unlock" section again and turn ON "Interop/Cap Unlock" and also turn ON "New Capability Engine Unlock"

Then go back to the main menu and follow the process carefully like I said.
Select "Microsoft"
Select "Shell"
Select "NavigationBar"

Once you've gotten to this registry path do this.
Click on "..." by your extreme right and select "Addvalue" then do this

In the *Registry Type* section change it to "Integer"
In the *Registry Value Name* type "SoftwareModeEnabled"
In the *Registry Value Data* type "1"
Then finally click on "Write"

Once you're done restart your phone and it'll definitely work.

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