Car Dock

I stumbled across this product called the Spiderpodium a while ago. I don't own one of these so I can't speak for how well it works but it sure looks interesting.

Breffo - About Spiderpodium

Although in the picture it looks like they have it hooked into the car's air vents so I don't know how practical it is. But at $20 it's not crazy expensive. And it looks like you could easily plug it into a car charger as well.
The ProClip car mount arrived yesterday. It easily as good as the Motorola mount I have for my OG Droid. I got the powered one and was concerned about how well the phone would slide in/out of the holder since sometimes I feel challenged just trying to plug in the cord by itself. The mount guides the phone onto the plug without any hangups at all. IMO, this is just a very well built mount. Couple of pics of the setup taken with my Focus.
My ProClip is scheduled to be delivered today. I'll be replacing the Fascinate ProClip holder so I didn't need to buy the mount this time. I looked at the car mount part as a one time investment, and I'll replace the holder as often as needed as I upgrade phones.

If you can afford it, I highly recommend spending a little extra and getting the ProClip!
Can you measure the depth from the mounting flange to the forward most part of the mount (or the phone if it sticks up further).

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